Abbot, Judi
The Big Five [illustrator]

You Can't Scare Me [illustrator]

Abbott, Jessica
The Kingdom of Glee [illustrator]

Monsters Are Afraid of Babies [illustrator]

Abdollahi, Ehsan
A Bottle of Happiness [illustrator]

When I Colored in the World [illustrator]

Abery, Julie
The Old Man and the Penguin

Abey, Andy
Aya and Papaya Discover What Makes Everyone Special (Aya and Papaya)

Aya and Papaya Keep Trying (Aya and Papaya)

Aya and Papaya Learn to Imagine (Aya and Papaya)

Abler, Amanda
The Spirit of Springer: The Real-Life Rescue of an Orphaned Orca

Ace, Lauren
The Girls

Acedera, Kei
Liesl & Po [illustrator]

Achor, Shawn
How to Make a Shark Smile

Adams, Adrienne
The Great Valentine's Day Balloon Race

Adams, Diane
Love Is

Adamson, Ged
A Fox Found a Box

Adderson, Caroline
It Happened on Sweet Street

Izzy in the Doghouse

Pierre & Paul: Avalanche!

Adler, Charlotte
Chicken Break!: A Counting Book [illustrator]

Agee, Jon
The Wall in the Middle of the Book

Agudelo, Luz
Out Loud: June's Venture

Ahmadi, Ahmadreza
When I Colored in the World

Ahokoivu, Mari
Livi & Nate

Aikins, Dave
Dora Celebrates Earth Day! (Dora the Explorer) [illustrator]

Alaoui, Amina Hachimi
Alya and the Three Cats

Alary, Laura
What Grew in Larry's Garden

Jumping Jack [illustrator]

Albom, Mitch
The Time Keeper

Alexander, Claire
Humperdink Our Elephant Friend [illustrator]

A Little Bit Different

Alfonzo, Karla A.
Hello Kitty Presents the Storybook Collection: The Little Mermaid (Hello Kitty Presents the Storybook Collection) [illustrator]

Aliaga, Roberto

Alko, Selina
Can I Touch Your Hair?: Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship [illustrator]

Daddy Christmas & Hanukkah Mama

Why Am I Me? [illustrator]

Allard, Mario
Caillou: The Dinosaur Museum [illustrator]

Allen, Brooke A.
Lumberjanes (Lumberjanes #1)

Allen, Cassie
Dinosaurs Count [illustrator]

Allen-Fletcher, Carly
Goodnight, Forest

Allepuz, Anuska
Little Green Donkey

Lucy Maud: My First L. M. Montgomery (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Almond, David
Joe Quinn's Poltergeist

Skellig (Skellig #1)

Alvarez, Lorena
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere [illustrator]

Aly, Hatem
Raj's Rule (for the Bathroom at School) [illustrator]

Amante, Mike
Unplugged and Unpopular [illustrator]

Because You Love to Hate Me: 13 Tales of Villainy [editor]

Amini, Mehrdokht
Crescent Moons and Pointed Minarets: A Muslim Book of Shapes [illustrator]

Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns: A Muslim Book of Colors [illustrator]

Ancrum, K.
The Wicker King (The Wicker King #1)

Anders, Charlie Jane
As Good as New

Andersen, Hans Christian
The Little Fir Tree

Andersen, Sarah
Big Mushy Happy Lump (Sarah's Scribbles #2)

Cheshire Crossing [illustrator]

Herding Cats (Sarah's Scribbles #3)

Anderson, Airlie

Anderson, M. T.
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Always More Love [illustrator]

Andreae, Giles
Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants

Andriamirado, Natacha
The Quiet Crocodile Goes to the Beach

Angleberger, Tom
The Princess and the Pit Stop

Five Little Pumpkins

Antolini, Leo
Aya and Papaya Discover What Makes Everyone Special (Aya and Papaya)

Aya and Papaya Keep Trying (Aya and Papaya)

Aya and Papaya Learn to Imagine (Aya and Papaya)

Antony, Steve
Please, Mr. Panda

Appelhans, Chris
Sparky! [illustrator]

Apple, Margot
The Chocolate Touch (John Midas #1) [illustrator]

Applegate, Katherine
Sometimes You Fly

Aranda, Ana
The Chupacabra Ate the Candelabra [illustrator]

Arbona, Marion
Sam's Pet Temper [illustrator]

Simon Steps Into the Ring [illustrator]


Archambault, John
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Chicka Chicka #1)

Archie, Cory

Ardagh, Philip
Bunnies on the Bus

Arena, Jen
Salsa Lullaby

Armentrout, Jennifer L.
Obsidian (Lux #1)

Armstrong, Kelley
The Awakening (Darkest Powers Trilogy #2)

The Reckoning (Darkest Powers Trilogy #3)

The Summoning (Darkest Powers Trilogy #1)

Armstrong, Tymn
Hidden Dangers: Seek and Find 13 of the World's Deadliest Animals [illustrator]

Armstrong-Ellis, Carey F.
The Twelve Days of Winter [illustrator]

Arnaldo, Monica
Time for Bed's Story

Arnold, Elana K.
An Ordinary Day

Arnold, Marsha Diane
Mine. Yours.

Arnold, Sara C.
The Big Buna Bash

Arnold, Tedd
Fly Guy Presents: Weather (Fly Guy Presents)

Fly Guy's Ninja Christmas (Fly Guy #16)

Super Fly Guy! (Fly Guy #2)

Arosio, Eleanora
Rudolf Nureyev (Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Arrayás, Albert
Mahatma Gandhi (Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Arsenault, Isabelle
Albert's Quiet Quest

Captain Rosalie [illustrator]

Just Because [illustrator]

Spork [illustrator]

Ashburn, Boni
I Had a Favorite Dress

Ashman, Linda
William Wakes Up (William #2)

William's Winter Nap (William #1)

Askar, Saoussan
From Far Away

Asquith, Ros
The Great Big Book of Life [illustrator]

Aston, Dianna Hutts
A Nest Is Noisy

Atherton, Isabel
The Bad Easter Bunny

Catch That Chicken!

Atkinson, Cale
I Got You a Present! [illustrator]

Sir Simon: Super Scarer

Aubineau, François
On My Mountain

Averiss, Corrinne

Avery, Justine
What Wonders Do You See... When You Dream?

Babbitt, Natalie
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Tuck Everlasting

Babbott-Klein, Libby
Baby Feminists Too

Bacharach, Burt
What the World Needs Now Is Love

Bacigalupi, Paolo
Ship Breaker (Ship Breaker #1)

Small Offerings

Backderf, Derf
My Friend Dahmer

Badel, Ronan
Dragons in Love [illustrator]

The Wolf Will Not Come [illustrator]

Badr, Nizar Ali
Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey [illustrator]

Bailey, Linda
Mary, Who Wrote Frankenstein

Baker, E. D.
The Wide-Awake Princess (Wide-Awake Princess #1)

Baker, Mishell
Borderline (The Arcadia Project #1)

Baker-Gusman, Cynthia
A Big Change for Daisy [illustrator]

Bal, Floor
It Started with a Big Bang: The Origin of Earth, You and Everything Else

Balasubramaniam, Saumiya
When I Found Grandma

Bang, Molly
When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really Angry...

Banker, Ashok
I Am Brown

Bannerman, Helen
The Story of Little Black Sambo

Baratz-Logsted, Lauren
Crazy Beautiful

Barbato, James
The Magic Christmas Ornament

Barbato, Victoria
The Magic Christmas Ornament

Barclay, Eric
Once Upon a Goat [illustrator]

Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta
Chicks Rule!

The Worst Twelve Days of Christmas

Bardugo, Leigh
The Demon in the Wood (The Grisha #0.1)

Ruin and Rising (The Grisha #3)

Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)

Siege and Storm (The Grisha #2)

The Witch of Duva (Grishaverse #0.5)

Bar-el, Dan

A Fish Named Glub

Barnard, Lucy
Hurry Home, Harriet

Barner, Bob
Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere!

Sea Bones

Barnes, Derrick
The King of Kindergarten

Barnett, Mac
Circle (The Shapes Trilogy #3)

Just Because

Paolo, Emperor of Rome

Rules of the House


Baró, Gerardo
Tomato Must Be Saved! (The Adventures of Fede and Tomato #1) [illustrator]

Barrager, Brigette
Uni the Unicorn (Uni the Unicorn #1) [illustrator]

Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True (Uni the Unicorn #2) [illustrator]

Vlad the Rad

Barron, Ashley
My Forest Is Green [illustrator]

My Ocean Is Blue [illustrator]

Upsy-Daisy, Baby! [illustrator]

Sometimes a Wall [illustrator]

Barrow, David
Have You Seen Elephant?

Barrows, Annie
Ivy + Bean (Ivy + Bean #1)

Barry, Dave
Peter and the Starcatchers (Peter and the Starcatchers #1)

Barry, Kevin M.
Schnitzel: A Cautionary Tale for Lazy Louts [illustrator]

Barton, Bethany
Give Bees a Chance

Barton, Chris
All of a Sudden and Forever

Barton, Suzanne
Robin's Winter Song

Basaluzzo, Constanza
Kevin's Kwanzaa (Fall and Winter Holidays) [illustrator]

Bashō, Matsuo
The Aged Mother

Bateman, Teresa
Job Wanted

Bates, Amy June
The Big Umbrella

Bates, Juniper
The Big Umbrella

Batistini, Ferdinando
Jingo in the Jungle: Saving the Jewels of the Earth [illustrator]

Batsel, Hannah
A is for Another Rabbit

Battuz, Christine
Bath Time! [illustrator]

What If Bunny's NOT a Bully? [illustrator]

Bauer, Caroline Feller
Valentine's Day: Stories and Poems [editor]

Baum, Giles
The Red Suitcase

Beaton, Kate
The Princess and the Pony

Beaty, Andrea
Ada Twist, Scientist (Questioneers)

Iggy Peck, Architect (Questioneers)

Rosie Revere, Engineer (Questioneers)

Sofia Valdez, Future Prez (Questioneers)

Becher, Natalie
Krit Dreams of Dragon Fruit

Becker, Aaron

Becker, Bonny
A Bedtime for Bear (Bear and Mouse)

A Birthday for Bear (Bear and Mouse #2)

Just a Minute

A Library Book for Bear (Bear and Mouse)

A Visitor for Bear (Bear and Mouse #1)

Becker, Helaine
Alice & Gert: An Ant and Grasshopper Story

You Can Read

Bedford, Annie North
Mickey Mouse Flies the Christmas Mail

Beer, Sophie
Christmas in 100 Words [illustrator]

Beiko, S. M.
The Lake and the Library

Bell, Cece
El Deafo

You Loves Ewe!

Bellaby, Debbie
The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical (The Fairy in the Kettle #3) [illustrator]

Belle, JTK
I Don't Like to Eat Ants

Bellefontaine, Kim
ABC of Canada

Bell-Rehwoldt, Sheri
You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy?

Benjamin, A. H.
Get Off That Camel!

Bennett, Artie
The True Story of Zippy Chippy: The Little Horse that Couldn't

Bennett, Jill
Tiny Tim: Verses for Children

Bennett, Kelly
Vampire Baby

Benoit, Renné
PoPo's Lucky Chinese New Year [illustrator]

Bently, Peter
Dylan the Dump Truck (Whizzy Wheels Academy)

Berenschot, Myriam
Ella the Swinging Duck [illustrator]

Berenstain, Jan
The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear (The Berenstain Bears)

The Berenstain Bears: No Girls Allowed (The Berenstain Bears)

The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree (The Berenstain Bears)

The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat (The Berenstain Bears)

Berenstain, Stan
The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear (The Berenstain Bears)

The Berenstain Bears: No Girls Allowed (The Berenstain Bears)

The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree (The Berenstain Bears)

The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat (The Berenstain Bears)

Bergeland, Elizabeth
Being Edie Is Hard Today [illustrator]

Berger, Samantha
What If...

Berkner, Laurie

Berla, Kathryn
Dream Me

Bermudez, Alyssa
Goodnight '70s [illustrator]

Bernardo, Susan Schaefer
The Artist Who Loved Cats: The Inspiring Tale of Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen

Bernasconi, Pablo

Berne, Jennifer
Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau

Bernheimer, Kate
The Girl in the Castle Inside the Museum

Bernstein, Galia
I Am a Cat

Berry, Cate
Chicken Break!: A Counting Book

Berry, James
A Story About Afiya

Berry, Julie
All the Truth That's in Me

Long Ago, On a Silent Night

Besom, Mae
What Do You Do With an Idea? (What Do You Do With...) [illustrator]

Bhadra, Sangeeta
The Nut That Fell from the Tree

Sam's Pet Temper

Bick, Ilsa J.
Ashes (Ashes Trilogy #1) DNF
Draw the Dark

Bickle, Laura
The Hallowed Ones (The Hallowed Ones #1)

Bifano, Laura
In the Red Canoe [illustrator]

Biggs, Brian
Monkeyfarts!: Wacky Jokes Every Kid Should Know [illustrator]

Bijsterbosch, Anita
Hide and Seek, Little Chameleon

Sammy in the Winter

Bird, Betsy
Funny Girl: Funniest. Stories. Ever. [editor]

Bisaillon, Josée
Bedtime 123 [illustrator]

Come Back to Earth, Esther!

A Fish Named Glub [illustrator]

My Head in the Clouds [illustrator]

The Sun Is a Peach [illustrator]

Usha and the Stolen Sun [illustrator]

Bisantz, Max
The 12 Mehs of Christmas

Bismark, Rashmi
Finding Om

Bisson, Terry
They're Made Out of Meat

Blabey, Aaron
The Bad Guys (The Bad Guys #1)

The Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens (The Bad Guys #4)

The Bad Guys in The Furball Strikes Back (The Bad Guys #3)

The Bad Guys in Intergalactic Gas (The Bad Guys #5)

The Bad Guys in Mission Unpluckable (The Bad Guys #2)

Black, Holly
The Poison Eaters: and Other Stories

Blackall, Sophie
Big Red Lollipop [illustrator]

Hello Lighthouse

Ivy + Bean (Ivy + Bean #1) [illustrator]

Blackwood, Kristin
Ivy in Bloom: The Poetry of Spring from Great Poets and Writers from the Past [illustrator]

Blake, Stephanie
Poo Bum

Blake, Zoë Foster
No One Likes a Fart

Blanc, Mike
Fish-Boy [illustrator]

I Came From the Water [illustrator]

Magic Words: From the Ancient Oral Tradition of the Inuit [illustrator]

Blanchard, Anne
Super Scientists: 40 inspiring icons

Blanco, Alberto
The Blank Page

Blankson, Amy
How to Make a Shark Smile

Blanz, Aurelie
The Wonder That Is You [illustrator]

Bliss, Harry
Good Rosie! [illustrator]

Blueberry Illustrations
Flying with Kindness [illustrator]

Bobbiesi, Laura
Grandma's Girl [illustrator]

Bobo, Keturah A.
The Night Is Yours [illustrator]

Bodeen, S. A.
The Compound (The Compound #1)

Bodger, Holly
5 to 1

Boiger, Alexandra
She Persisted [illustrator]

She Persisted Around the World [illustrator]

Boldt, Mike
Bad Dog

Loud Lula [illustrator]

Bollen, Roger
P. J. Funnybunny Camps Out (P. J. Funnybunny #7) [illustrator]

Bond, Felicia
If You Give a Pig a Party (If You Give...) [illustrator]

Bonilla, Rocío
Little Bro, Big Sis

My Big Bear, My Little Bear and Me [illustrator]

Booker, Irene
The Legend of Mr. Have and Mr. Have Not

Borden, Louise
Kindergarten Luck

Border, Terry
Merry Christmas, Peanut!

Snack Attack!

Borgenicht, David
Monkeyfarts!: Wacky Jokes Every Kid Should Know

Boswell, Addie
The Rain Stomper

Boulerice, Simon
My Bright Friend

Bouloubasis, Petros
Little Red Rhyming Hood [illustrator]

Bouma, Xanthe
The Amber Anthem (5 Worlds #4) [illustrator]

The Cobalt Prince (5 Worlds #2) [illustrator]

The Red Maze (5 Worlds #3) [illustrator]

The Sand Warrior (5 Worlds #1) [illustrator]

Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin and the Thunderstorm (Franklin the Turtle)

Boutavant, Marc
Barkus (Barkus #1) [illustrator]

Bouwman, H. M.
The Remarkable & Very True Story of Lucy & Snowcap

Bow, Erin
Plain Kate

Bow, James
The Unwritten Girl (The Unwritten Books #1)

Bowles, Paula
Little Lou and the Woolly Mammoth

Bowman, Donna Janell
King of the Tightrope: When the Great Blondin Ruled Niagara

Boyd, Fiona
Princess Arebeena and the Crystal Fairies

Boyd, Lizi
I Wrote You a Note

Boyle, Neil
Mickey Mouse Flies the Christmas Mail

Boynton-Hughes, Brooke
Bark Park! [illustrator]

Bracken, Carolyn
Fancy Nancy: Candy Bonanza (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Missing Easter Bunny (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Pajama Day (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Quest for the Unicorn (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Spring Fashion Fling (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Bradbury, Jennifer
Wrapped (Wrapped #1)

Bradbury, Ray
The Pedestrian

Brading, Simon
The Lifeboat at the End of the Universe

Branam, Lucy
Roof Octopus

Brandenburg, Lisa
Maybe Dying Is Like Becoming a Butterfly [illustrator]

That's for Babies [illustrator]

Brandon, Amanda
Unicorn Training

Brantley-Newton, Vanessa
Grandma's Purse

Just Like Me

The King of Kindergarten [illustrator]

One Love [illustrator]

Branton, Rachel
I Don't Want to Eat Bugs (Lisbon's Misadventures #1)

Brashares, Ann
The Here and Now

My Name Is Memory

Brashares, Ben
Being Edie Is Hard Today

Brennan, Marie
Daughter of Necessity

Brennan-Nelson, Denise
Santa's Secret

Brereton, Alice
My Monster Friends and Me [illustrator]

Brett, Jan
Gingerbread Christmas (Jan Brett's Gingerbread)

Bright, Matthew
The Library of Lost Things

Brill, Calista
Cat Wishes

Britt, Paige
Why Am I Me?

Bron, Anna
Salma the Syrian Chef [illustrator]

Brönner, Nele
Lemon Child

Brooker, Kyrsten
The Poem That Will Not End [illustrator]

Brooks, Erik
Polar Opposites

Brooks, Molly
Sanity & Tallulah

Brooksbank, Angela
Catch That Chicken! [illustrator]

Brosgol, Vera
Be Prepared

Leave Me Alone!

The Little Guys

Brown, Calef
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure [illustrator] DNF
Brown, Fredric

Brown, Jeff
Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure! (Flat Stanley #1)

Stanley's Christmas Adventure (Flat Stanley #5)

Brown, Jeffrey
My Teacher Is a Robot

Brown, Kathryn
The Old Woman Who Named Things [illustrator]

Brown, Lisa
The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming [illustrator]

Brown, Margaret Wise
The Dead Bird

Goodnight Moon

Brown, Peter
Children Make Terrible Pets (Lucy #1)

Brown, Petra
Grandma's Christmas Wish [illustrator]

A Horse Named Jack [illustrator]

Brown, Rachel Manija
Stranger (The Change #1) DNF
Brown, Tameka Fryer
Brown Baby Lullaby

Brozo, Patty
The Buddy Bench

Bruel, Nick
Bad Kitty Takes the Test (Bad Kitty)

Bruner, Garth
Only You Can Save Christmas! [illustrator]

Brunkus, Denise
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus (Junie B. Jones #1) [illustrator]

Buccheri, Chiara
I'm Undead and Hungry!: Meet a Zombie (Monster Buddies) [illustrator]

Bucci, Marco
Norbert's Big Dream [illustrator]

Buchet, Nelly
Cat Dog Dog

Budd, Robert
Peace Dancer

Budnick, Stacy Heller
Unstoppable Me! [illustrator]

Buehrlen, M. G.
The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare (Alex Wayfare #1)

The Untimely Deaths of Alex Wayfare (Alex Wayfare #2)

The White Wood

Buitrago, Jairo
Walk with Me

Bullard, Lisa
Kevin's Kwanzaa (Fall and Winter Holidays)

Bundo, Marlon
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo

Bunnell, Isabella
Iced Out [illustrator]

Bunting, Eve
Thunder Horse

Burgis, Stephanie
The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart (Tales from the Chocolate Heart #1)

Burke, Alexander
Sweet Penny and the Lion

Burke, Tyler Clark
Where Are You Now?

Burris, Priscilla
Accordionly [illustrator]

Fear the Bunny [illustrator]

It's Good to Have a Grandma [illustrator]

Natsumi! [illustrator]

Busby, Cylin
Blink Once

Bush, Barbara Pierce
Sisters First

Bushue, S. J.
Dinosaurs Count

Bustos, Miguel
Bruce Lee (Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Butler, Octavia E.

Button, Lana
Raj's Rule (for the Bathroom at School)

What If Bunny's NOT a Bully?

Willow's Smile

Byrne, Eva
Princesses Wear Pants (Princesses Wear Pants #1) [illustrator]

Byrne, Mike
Unicorn Training [illustrator]

C., Ayessa
Little Red and the Crocodile (Fractured Fairytale #1) [illustrator]

Callaghan, Laura
Vivienne Westwood (Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Calmenson, Stephanie
Late for School!

Campbell, K. G.
Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures [illustrator]

Lester's Dreadful Sweaters

Campbell, Louisa

Campbell, Nenia
The Pocketbook of Sunshine and Rain

Campbell, Scott
Skulls! [illustrator]

Cannon, Sarah

Cannon, Sarra
Beautiful Demons (The Shadow Demons Saga #1)

Canzi, Nerina
Kaya's Heart Song [illustrator]

Capannelli, Natalie
If We Were Gone: Imagining the World Without People [illustrator]

Capizzi, Giusi
Just Like You [illustrator]

Carbone, Courtney
Peppa's Valentine's Day (Peppa Pig)

Carlson, Nancy
Harriet's Halloween Candy (Harriet)

Carnesi, Mônica
Little Dog Lost

Carter, Alice
Pierre & Paul: Avalanche! [illustrator]

Carter, Linda Carol
Annie Imagines [illustrator]

Carter, Timothy

Case, Chris
Jacob's Room to Choose [illustrator]

Casey, Dawn
Apple Cake: A Gratitude

Cashore, Kristin
Graceling (Graceling Realm #1)

Cassanell, Victoria
The Grizzly Itch

Cassidy, Sara
The Sun Is a Peach

Cassie, Aidan
Little Juniper Makes It BIG

Sterling, Best Dog Ever

Castellucci, Cecil
Brother. Prince. Snake.

Soupy Leaves Home

We Have Always Lived on Mars

Castillo, Ani

Castle, Lexie
When Unicorns Poop

Castle, Richard
Heat Rises (Nikki Heat #3)

Heat Wave (Nikki Heat #1)

Naked Heat (Nikki Heat #2)

Castrillón, Melissa
Yellow Kayak [illustrator]

Cat, Grumpy
The Grumpy Guide to Life

Poppy & Sam and the Mole Mystery

Cation, Christine MacGregor
Clarence's Big Secret

Catling, Patrick Skene
The Chocolate Touch (John Midas #1)

Cauuet, Paul
The Wolf in Underpants Freezes His Buns Off (The Wolf in Underpants #2) [illustrator]

Ceccoli, Nicoletta
Cinderella [illustrator]

The Girl in the Castle Inside the Museum [illustrator]

Cerocchi, Beatrice
Jane: My First Jane Goodall (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Chabbert, Ingrid
The Great Journey (Elma: A Bear's Life #1)

Chabert, Jack
Mystery of the Map (Poptropica #1)

Chambers, Susanne
Hello Kitty Presents the Storybook Collection: The Little Mermaid (Hello Kitty Presents the Storybook Collection)

Chandler, Jean
The Poky Little Puppy's Wonderful Winter Day

Chanani, Nidhi

Chang, Angel
Most of the Better Natural Things in the World [illustrator]

Chaperon, Danielle
My Head in the Clouds

Chapman, Jared
Fruits in Suits

T. Rex Time Machine

T. Rex Time Machine: Dinos in De-Nile

Vegetables in Underwear

Chappell, Warren
Wolf Story [illustrator]

Charest, Emily MacLachlan
Little Robot Alone

Charlip, Remy
The Dead Bird [illustrator]

Charman, Katrina
The Ninjabread Man (Tadpoles Fairytale Twists)

Chartier, Normand
Happy Mother's Day! [illustrator]

Chatterjee, Pascal
Annie96 is Typing

Chau, Alina
Lunar New Year [illustrator]

Chaud, Benjamin
The Bear's Song (Little Bear and Papa Bear #1)

Cheal, Sonja

Chebret, Sébastien
Dylan the Dump Truck (Whizzy Wheels Academy) [illustrator]

Chernyshova, Anna
Anna and the Tooth Fairy [illustrator]

Chevillard, Hubert
Stay [illustrator]

Chikwanine, Michel
Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls Are Used in War (CitizenKid)

Ching, G. P.
Grounded (The Grounded Trilogy #1)

Chiu, Cinyee
Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story [illustrator]

Mama Bird Lost an Egg [illustrator]

Chodos-Irvine, Margaret
Where Lily Isn't [illustrator]

Choi, Susan
Camp Tiger

Chopin, Kate
The Story of an Hour

Chopra, Shweta
The Diwali Gift

Chou, Joey
12 Lucky Animals: A Bilingual Baby Book [illustrator]

When the Snow Is Deeper Than My Boots Are Tall [illustrator]

Choyce, Lesley
Skunks for Breakfast

Christopher, Lucy

Christopher, Nathan
Humpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall [illustrator]

Christy, Jana
When the Snow Falls [illustrator]

Chua, Charlene
Going Up! [illustrator]


Shubh Diwali! [illustrator]

Chung, Arree

Ciccio, Adam
Macie's Mirror

Cinar, Lisa
You and Me Both [illustrator]

Cinq-Mars, Mathilde
Clarence's Big Secret [illustrator]

My Mommy, My Mama, My Brother & Me [illustrator]

Claflin, Willy
Rapunzel and the Seven Dwarfs (Maynard Moose Tales)

Claire, Céline

Clanton, Ben
Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea (A Narwhal and Jelly Book #1)

Vote for Me!

Clark, Brenda
Franklin and the Thunderstorm (Franklin the Turtle) [illustrator]

Franklin's Thanksgiving (Franklin the Turtle) [illustrator]

Clark, Cody L.
Lucky Dogs: Shake Paws

Clark, Emma Chichester
The Misadventures of Frederick [illustrator]

Clark, Neil
The Book of Cars and Trucks (Clever Cogz)

The Book of Space Rockets (Clever Cogz)

Claude, Jean
Bears Make the Best Writing Buddies (Bears Make the Best #3) [illustrator]

Cleary, Mark
The Short Giraffe [illustrator]

Clement, Gary
My Winter City [illustrator]

Oy, Feh, So? [illustrator]

Cleminson, Katie
Loved to Bits [illustrator]

Clester, Shane
The Holiday Heroes Save Christmas [illustrator]

Who Likes Christmas? (Illumination's The Grinch) [illustrator]

Cleveland, Angela
Coding Capers: Luci and the Missing Robot

Clifton-Brown, Holly
Stella Brings the Family [illustrator]

Climo, Liz
Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back? [illustrator]

Clinton, Chelsea
She Persisted

She Persisted Around the World

Clinton, Hillary Rodham
It Takes a Village

Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
Same Way Ben

Coelho, Joseph
A Year of Nature Poems

Coelho, Rogério
Roof Octopus [illustrator]

Coh, Smiljana
Touch the Earth (A Julian Lennon White Feather Flier Adventure #1) [illustrator]

Cohn, Rachel
Dash and Lily's Book of Dares

Colandro, Lucille
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey! (There Was an Old Lady)

Cole, Henry
Ferocious Fluffity: A Mighty Bite-y Class Pet [illustrator]

Spot & Dot (Spot the Cat #2)

A Teeny Tiny Halloween [illustrator]

With a Little Help from My Friends [illustrator]

Cole, Lisa
While Mommy Was Fast Asleep

Coleman, Stephanie Fizer
Bird Count [illustrator]

Lali's Feather [illustrator]

Collet, Géraldine
All By Myself!

Collier, Kelly
Izzy in the Doghouse [illustrator]

Collin, Renaud
The Writers' Secret (The World According to François #1) [illustrator]

Collins, Keri T.
A Big Change for Daisy

Collins, Mary Cardinal
Kiss By Kiss/Ocêtôwina: A Counting Book For Families [translator]

Collins, Suzanne
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2)

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3)

Colman, Audrey
Walter the Farting Dog (Walter the Farting Dog #1) [illustrator]

Colón, Raul
Child of the Universe [illustrator]

The Night Library [illustrator]

Compestine, Ying Chang
The Chinese Emperor's New Clothes

Comstock, Eric
The Great Dictionary Caper [illustrator]

Tangled: A Story About Shapes [illustrator]

Conan, James A.
Our Big Little Place

Connolly, John
The Book of Lost Things

Cook, Julia
A Flicker of Hope

The Great Compromise

Coombs, Patricia
Dorrie and the Blue Witch (Dorrie the Little Witch #2)

Dorrie and the Goblin (Dorrie the Little Witch #9)

Dorrie and the Screebit Ghost (Dorrie the Little Witch #15)

Dorrie and the Witch's Imp (Dorrie the Little Witch #12)


Cooney, Barbara
Miss Rumphius

Cooney, Caroline B.
I'm Going to Give You a Polar Bear Hug

Cooper, Elisha
Big Cat, Little Cat

Cooper, Floyd
A Ride to Remember [illustrator]

Cooper, Susan
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Coppo, Marianna

Such a Good Boy

Corace, Jen
Little Pea (Little Books) [illustrator]

Telephone [illustrator]

Corbould, Walton
Complete Version of ye Three Blind Mice [illustrator]

Corchin, DJ
A Thousand No's

Cormier, France
The Nut That Fell from the Tree [illustrator]

Through the Elephant's Door [illustrator]

Cornelison, Sue
The Girl Who Spoke to the Moon [illustrator]

Cornia, Christian
When Unicorns Poop [illustrator]

Corr, Christopher
The Little Fir Tree

Cortés, Ricardo
Go the F**k to Sleep [illustrator]

Cortez, Phillip D.
Pancakes for Dinner!

Côté, Geneviève
Goodnight, You (Piggy and Bunny #4)

Cote, Nancy
When I Feel Angry (The Way I Feel) [illustrator]

Cotter, Bill
Don't Push the Button!

Don't Push the Button!: A Christmas Adventure

Don't Touch This Book!

Five Little Monsters Jumping on the Bed

Cotter, Sacha

Cotterill, Charlotte
Hack and Whack [illustrator]

Cotterill, Samantha
Jinx and the Doom Fight Crime [illustrator]

Coursen, Valerie
The Poodle Who Barked at the Wind [illustrator]

Covert, Ralph
A Nutty Nutcracker Christmas

Cowley, Katz
The Wonkey Donkey [illustrator]

Coy, Eve

Coy, John
If We Were Gone: Imagining the World Without People

Coyle, Katie
Vivian Versus the Apocalypse

Craft, Kinuko Y.

Craig, Helen
Angelina's Big City Ballet [illustrator]

Crane, Caprice
The True Adventures of Esther the Wonder Pig

Crane, Carol
D is for Dancing Dragon: A China Alphabet (Discover the World)

Crane, Julia
Freak of Nature (IFICS #1)

Crawford, Leslie
Gwen the Rescue Hen

Crews, Nina
A Girl Like Me [illustrator]

Crockett, Mary
Dream Boy

Crosland, T. W. H.
Little People: An Alphabet

Crow, Sara
Even Superheroes Have to Sleep

Cumming, Alan
The Adventures of Honey & Leon

Cummins, Lucy Ruth
This Is Not a Valentine [illustrator]

Truman [illustrator]

Cuneo, Deborah
Little Dragon and the New Baby

Cunha, Anna
A Story About Afiya [illustrator]

Cunnane, Kelly
Deep in the Sahara

Curato, Mike
What If... [illustrator]

Currey, Anna
When the World Was Waiting for You [illustrator]

Cyrus, Kurt
Fix That Clock

Dabija, Violeta
Water Can Be... (Can Be... Books) [illustrator]

DaCosta, Barbara
Mighty Moby

Dalton, Pamela
The Story of Christmas

Daly, Kathleen N.
Jingle Bells

Dandan-Albano, Corazon
Filipino Celebrations: A Treasury of Feasts and Festivals [illustrator]

Daniel, Alan
Eh? to Zed [illustraotr]

Daniel, Danielle
You Hold Me Up [illustrator]

Daniell, Sara
The Goblin Goes to School

Danticat, Edwidge
My Mommy Medicine

D'Aquino, Andrea
A Life Made by Hand: The Story of Ruth Asawa

Darroch, D. M.
No, No, Nora!

Das, Lama Surya
The Yeti and the Jolly Lama: A Tale of Friendship

Dasgupta, Debasmita
Mina vs. the Monsoon [illustrator]

Davey, Sharon
Phoenix Goes to School [illustrator]

Davick, Linda
10 Valentine Friends [illustrator]

David, Alison Matthews
Killer Style: How Fashion Has Injured, Maimed, and Murdered Through History

David, Donna
Oh No, Bobo!

David, Hal
What the World Needs Now Is Love

Davidson, Andrew
The Gargoyle

Davidson, Carli
Shake, Wiggle & Roll

Davidson, Jenny
The Explosionist (Dynamite #1)

Davidson, Leslie A.
In the Red Canoe

Davies, Benji
I Love You Already (Bear & Duck #2) [illustrator]

Dávila, Claudia
Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls Are Used in War (CitizenKid) [illustrator]

Davis, Aubrey
A Hen for Izzy Pippik

Davis, Bart
Touch the Earth (A Julian Lennon White Feather Flier Adventure #1)

Davis, Beverly
One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike than Different

Davis, Jack E.
Just a Minute [illustrator]

Davis, Jacky
Ladybug Girl (Ladybug Girl)

Ladybug Girl at the Beach (Ladybug Girl)

Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad (Ladybug Girl)

Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy (Ladybug Girl)

Ladybug Girl Plays (Ladybug Girl)

Davis, Linsey
One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike than Different

Davison, Jennifer
The Very Last Leaf [illustrator]

Dawson, Courtney
Help Wanted: Must Love Books [illustrator]

de Blois, Hélène
Through the Elephant's Door

de Fombelle, Timothée
Captain Rosalie

De Haes, Ian

de la Peña, Matt
Last Stop on Market Street


de Lint, Charles
Seven Wild Sisters: A Modern Fairy Tale (Newford #12)

de Wit, Alexander
Trini's Big Leap

Dealey, Erin
Deck the Walls

Snow Globe Wishes

Dean, James
Pete the Cat Checks Out the Library (Pete the Cat)

Deas, Mike
The Buddy Bench [illustrator]

Debarbieri, Lili
Sun & Moon Take Turns

Dedam, Evangeline
Juji'jk: Mi'kmaw Insects [illustrator]

Deenihan, Jamie L. B.
The Tooth Fairy vs. Santa

Degman, Lori
Norbert's Big Dream

Deines, Brian
The Circle Game [illustrator]

Dek, Maria
Look, It's Raining [illustrator]

Malo and the Merry-Go-Round

Del Mazo, Margarita
My Big Bear, My Little Bear and Me

Del Rizzo, Suzanne
Golden Threads

DeLange, Ellen
The Boy and the Egg

A Warm Friendship

When I Look Up

Demasse-Pottier, Stéphanie
My Island

Demers, Dominique
L’été de la petite baleine (Le petit Gnouf)

Demmer, Melanie
Truman the Dog (My Furry Foster Family) [illustrator]

Dennis, Sarah
Animal Habitats [illustrator]

Denos, Julia
Here and Now

I Had a Favorite Dress [illustrator]

Denton, Kady MacDonald
A Bedtime for Bear (Bear and Mouse) [illustrator]

A Birthday for Bear (Bear and Mouse #2) [illustrator]

A Library Book for Bear (Bear and Mouse) [illustrator]

A Visitor for Bear (Bear and Mouse #1) [illustrator]

What Are You Doing, Benny? [illustrator]

DePalma, Kate
A Rainbow of Rocks

dePaola, Tomie
In a Small Kingdom

Songs of the Fog Maiden

If I Were A Robot [illustrators]

Derting, Kimberly
Cece Loves Science

DeSantis, Mike
Don't Dangle Your Participle [illustrator]

Sing Freedom! [illustrator]

Despain, Bree
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine #1)

Detlefsen, Lisl F.

Deuchars, Marion
Bob Goes Pop! (Bob the Artist #3)

Devries, Shane
Brain Freeze [illustrator]

Dewdney, Anna
Grumpy Gloria

Little Excavator

Llama Llama and the Bully Goat (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Home with Mama (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Hoppity-Hop (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama I Love You (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Jingle Bells (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Loves to Read (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Mad at Mama (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Misses Mama (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Red Pajama (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Time to Share (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Trick or Treat (Llama Llama)

Llama Llama Zippity-Zoom (Llama Llama)

Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too (Llama Llama)

Roly Poly Pangolin

DeWitt, Robin
Brave with Beauty: A Story of Afghanistan [illustrator]

Di Giacomo, Kris
Sleep Tight, Charlie [illustrator]

Dias, Hannah Carmona
Dazzling Travis: A Story About Being Confident & Original

Díaz, Junot

DiCamillo, Kate
Because of Winn-Dixie

Best Friends Forever (Bink & Gollie #3)

Bink & Gollie (Bink & Gollie #1)

Eugenia Lincoln and the Unexpected Package (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #4)

The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures

Francine Poulet Meets the Ghost Raccoon (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #2)

Good Rosie!

La La La

Leroy Ninker Saddles Up (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #1)

The Magician's Elephant

Mercy Watson Fights Crime (Mercy Watson #3)

Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride (Mercy Watson #2)

Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise (Mercy Watson #4)

Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes (Mercy Watson #6)

Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig (Mercy Watson #5)

Mercy Watson to the Rescue (Mercy Watson #1)

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Raymie Nightingale

Stella Endicott and the Anything-Is-Possible Poem (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #5)

Two for One (Bink & Gollie #2)

Where Are You Going, Baby Lincoln? (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #3)

DiCicco, Sue
The Poky Little Puppy's Wonderful Winter Day [illustrator]

Dick, Philip K.
The Eyes Have It

Dickinson, JoAnn M.
Lulu and Her New Best Friend

Diederen, Suzanne
A Kiss for Giraffe [illustrator]

Díez, Miguel Ángel
Fireflies [illustrator]

Dillon, Diane
Love and the Rocking Chair

Dillon, Leo
Love and the Rocking Chair

Dimmett, Janelle
Harry's Lovely Spring Day (Harry the Happy Mouse #1) [illustrator]

Dion, Nathalie
The Biggest Puddle in the World [illustrator]

DiOrio, Rana
What Does It Mean to Be American?

What Does It Mean to Be Safe?

Disney Storybook Art Team
Fancy Nancy: Camp Fancy (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Chez Nancy (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Nancy Makes Her Mark (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Nancy's Ghostly Halloween (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Toodle-oo, Miss Moo (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Divya, S. B.
Loss of Signal

DK Publishing
Baby Faces (Baby Sparkle)

Baby Night-night (Baby Sparkle)

Baby Touch Your Nose! (Baby Sparkle)

Dobkin, Bonnie
Dream Spinner

Docampo, Valeria
Marcy's Having All the Feels [illustrator]

Dodd, Sarah J.
Just Like You

Doerrfeld, Cori
Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend!

The Rabbit Listened

The True Adventures of Esther the Wonder Pig [illustrator]

Dolamore, Jaclyn
Magic Under Glass (Magic Under #1)

Magic Under Stone (Magic Under #2)

Dolan, Elys
Knighthood for Beginners

Donald, Alison
The New LiBEARian

Dong, Megan Nicole
Sharky Malarkey

Donoghue, Emma

Doodlers, Artful
The Snow Bear (Wintry Tales #1) [illustrator] DNF
Dorfman, Ariel
The Rabbits' Rebellion

Dougherty, Brandi
The Littlest Witch (A Littlest Book)

Dougherty, Dan
A Thousand No's [illustrator]

Dougherty, Ryan
Confuchsia: An Early Bird's Tale [illustrator] DNF
Downie, Gord
Secret Path

Doyon, Samara Cole
Magnificent Homespun Brown

Dragonwagon, Crescent
Margaret Ziegler is Horse-Crazy

Dragoon, Leigh
Little Witches: Magic in Concord

Droyd, Ann
Goodnight iPad

Dubuc, Marianne
And Then the Seed Grew

Little Cheetah's Shadow

Otto and Pio

Your House, My House

Duchesne, Christiane
Bon Voyage, Mister Rodriguez

Duddle, Jonny
The Pirate Cruncher

Pirates à l'île aux Oursins

Dufayet, Danielle
Fantastic You

Duffield, Katy S.
Loud Lula

Duffy, Kenneth
A Crown of Kingfishers

Duke, Kate
The Guinea Pig ABC

Duke, Shirley
Unthinkable (Night Falls #1)

Dulemba, Elizabeth O.
Merbaby's Lullaby [illustrator]

Duncan, Reed
Llama Llama Loves to Read (Llama Llama)

Dunham, Denise
A Perfect Tree

Dunklee, Annika
William's Getaway

Dunn, Jancee
I'm Afraid Your Teddy Is in the Principal's Office

Dunrea, Olivier
Merry Christmas, Ollie! (Gossie and Friends)

Dupuis, Jenny Kay
Gaawin Gindaaswin Ndaawsii / I Am Not A Number

Durand, Hallie
Mitchell's License

Dürr, Morten

Durst, Kathryn
You're in Good Paws [illustrator]

Durst, Sarah Beth

DuVal, Melody
Éclair Goes to Stella's (Éclair #1) [illustrator]

Duyvis, Corinne

Dyckman, Ame
Read the Book, Lemmings!

Dyer, Jane
Roly Poly [illustrator]

Dyer, Dr. Wayne W.
Unstoppable Me!

Eastman, P. D.
Aaron Loves Apples and Pumpkins

Are You My Mother?

The Best Nest

Go, Dog. Go!

Eaton, Joy
While Mommy Was Fast Asleep [illustrator]

Eaves, Ed
Marmaduke the Very Different Dragon [illustrator]

Ebbeler, Jeffrey
Feast of Peas [illustrator]

George the Hero Hound

Eberz, Robert
Splat the Cat Sings Flat (Splat the Cat) [illustrator]

Edwards, Allison
Marcy's Having All the Feels

Worry Says What?

Ee, Susan
Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1)

End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days #3)

World After (Penryn & the End of Days #2)

Eekhaut, Guido
The Neanderthal in the Garden

Eggenschwiler, Byron
Operatic [illustrator]

Eggers, Dave
Most of the Better Natural Things in the World

Ehlert, Lois
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Chicka Chicka #1) [illustrator]

Ehrenberg, Pamela
Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas

Eldridge, Lauren
Claymates [illustrator]

Elia, Stella
Old Man of the Sea

Eliot, Hannah
Lunar New Year

Elkerton, Andy
How to Catch a Dinosaur [illustrator]

How to Catch a Dragon [illustrator]

How to Catch the Easter Bunny [illustrator]

Ellis, Deborah
The Breadwinner: A Graphic Novel

Ellis, Elina
This Is the Path the Wolf Took [illustrator]

Ellis, Grace
Lumberjanes (Lumberjanes #1)

Elmquist, Laurie
Beach Baby

Elwell, Eric
An Unexpected Hero: A Bible Story About Rahab (Called and Courageous Girls) [illustrator]

Elwell, Peter
Margaret Ziegler is Horse-Crazy [illustrator]

Emmons, Abbie
100 Days of Sunlight

Engel, Andy
Plastic Soup

Engel, Christiane
The Earth Gives More [illustrator]

Engelbreit, Mary
Mary Engelbreit's Mother Goose: One Hundred Best-Loved Verses

Mary Engelbreit's Nursery Tales

A Night of Great Joy

Queen of Hearts (Ann Estelle Stories)

Engle, Margarita
The Firefly Letters: A Suffragette's Journey to Cuba

The Lightning Dreamer: Cuba's Greatest Abolitionist

Enik, Ted
Fancy Nancy: The 100th Day of School (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Apples Galore! (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Best Reading Buddies (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Bubbles, Bubbles, and More Bubbles! (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Book Report (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Fancy Day in Room 1-A (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Hair Dos and Hair Don'ts (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: It's Backward Day! (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Just My Luck! (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy at the Museum (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: My Family History (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Pajama Day (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Peanut Butter and Jellyfish (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Poison Ivy Expert (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy Sees Stars (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Splendid Speller (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Super Secret Surprise Party (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Time for Puppy School (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Too Many Tutus (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Christmas with Peppa (Peppa Pig) [illustrator]

Peppa's Christmas Wish (Peppa Pig) [illustrator]

Peppa's Valentine's Day (Peppa Pig) [illustrator]

Eriksson, Eva
All the Dear Little Animals [illustrator]

Ering, Timothy Basil
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure [illustrator] DNF
Erkas, Sinem
J. K. Rowling (Work It, Girl) [illustrator]

Erlichman, Shira
Be/Hold: A Friendship Book

Erskine-Kellie, Mike
I Got You a Present!

Escoffier, Michaël
Princess Kevin

Sleep Tight, Charlie

Espinosa, Leo
Islandborn [illustrator]

Eszterhas, Suzi
Panda Opposites

Eudes-Pascal, Élisabeth
Don't Let Go!

Evans, Cambria
Part-time Princess [illustrator]

Evans, Gabriel
Ollie and Augustus

Evans, Lynette
Whose Egg?

Evrard, David
Wartime Ghetto (Irena #1) [illustrator] DNF
Ewing, Chana Ginelle
An ABC of Equality

Fabiani, Federico
Tallulah the Tooth Fairy CEO [illustrator]

Fagan, Cary
King Mouse

Oy, Feh, So?

What Are You Doing, Benny?

Fairgray, Richard
Sweet Penny and the Lion

Falconer, Ian
Olivia (Olivia #1)

Olivia the Spy (Olivia #8)

Fallahee, Kate
Lucky Dogs: Shake Paws [illustrator]

Fan, Eric
Ocean Meets Sky

Fan, Terry
Ocean Meets Sky

Fantaskey, Beth
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side (Jessica #1)

Farías, Carolina
Gazpacho for Nacho [illustrator]

Farina, Laura
This Is the Path the Wolf Took

Farish, Terry
The Good Braider

Farmer, Penelope
Charlotte Sometimes (Aviary Hall #3)

Farrell, Claire
One Night With The Fae

Farris, Katherine
The Magic Boat

Fatimaharan, Allen
My Hair [illustrator]

Faucher, Marilyn
My Bright Friend [illustrator]

Fegan, B. C. R.
Don't Drink the Pink

Fehr, Daniel
It Wasn't Me!

Fergus, Maureen
Buddy and Earl

The Day My Mom Came to Kindergarten

You're in Good Paws

Fernandes, Eugenie
A Likkle Miss Lou: How Jamaican Poet Louise Bennett Coverley Found Her Voice [illustrator]

Surfer Dog [illustrator]

Fernández, Daniel
My Christmas List [illustrator]

Ferrari, Serena Lane
Jingo in the Jungle: Saving the Jewels of the Earth

Ferrell, Sean
I Don't Like Koala

Ferrer, Marianne
Mel & Mo's Marvelous Balancing Act [illustrator]

Slow Moe [illustrator]

Ferry, Beth
Caveboy Crush

Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish

Fidawi, Maya
Alya and the Three Cats [illustrator]

My Brother and Me [illustrator]

Field, Edward
Magic Words: From the Ancient Oral Tradition of the Inuit [translator]

Field, Jim
The Pest in the Nest (Rabbit and Bear #2) [illustrator]

Rabbit's Bad Habits (Rabbit and Bear #1) [illustrator]

Figueroa, Brenda
Dazzling Travis: A Story About Being Confident & Original [illustrator]

Finch, Michelle
Phoenix Goes to School

Finch, Phoenix
Phoenix Goes to School

Fischer, Rusty

Fish, Charlie
Death By Scrabble

Schrödinger's Baby

Fitzpatrick, A. C.
Margot and the Moon Landing

Fitzpatrick, Becca
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush #1)

Fix, Philippe

Fleck, Jay
Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug [illustrator]

Fleming, Denise
This Is the Nest That Robin Built

Fleming, Lucy
One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike than Different [illustrator]

Fletcher, Courtenay
The Artist Who Loved Cats: The Inspiring Tale of Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen [illustrator]

Fletcher, Tom
Brain Freeze

The Dinosaur That Pooped the Bed! (The Dinosaur That Pooped)

The Dinosaur That Pooped the Past! (The Dinosaur That Pooped)

The Dinosaur That Pooped a Planet! (The Dinosaur That Pooped)

Flett, Julie

Little You [illustrator]

My Heart Fills with Happiness [illustrator]

We Sang You Home [illustrator]

Fliess, Sue
The Earth Gives More

Flash and Gleam: Light in Our World

How to Trap a Leprechaun

The Hug Book

Little Red Rhyming Hood

Robots, Robots Everywhere

Flinn, Alex

Florence, Debbi Michiko
Truman the Dog (My Furry Foster Family)

Florence, Melanie
kimotinâniwiw itwêwina / Stolen Words

Florens, Fabrice
Dad, I Love You Because... [illustrator]

Florin, Fabiano
The Ninjabread Man (Tadpoles Fairytale Twists) [illustrator]

Flory, Neil
The Short Giraffe

Flowers, Luke
Unicorn Day [illustrator]

Flurry, M. L.
Never Talk to Ravens (An Xavion and Jamieson Time-Out Adventure #1)

Födi, Lee Edward
Gwynne, Fair & Shining [illustrator]

I'll Follow the Moon [illustrator]

Foges, Clare
Kitchen Disco

Fogliano, Julie
If I Was the Sunshine

When Green Becomes Tomatoes

Font, Ignasi
Everything is Connected [illustrator]

Ford, AG
Brown Baby Lullaby [illustrator]

Ford, Gilbert
The Marvelous Thing That Came from a Spring: The Accidental Invention of the Toy That Swept the Nation

Ford, Jessie
ABC What Can He Be? (ABC for Me) [illustrator]

Ford, Juwanda G.
Together for Kwanzaa

Forest, Heather
Stone Soup

Forman, Gayle
If I Stay (If I Stay #1)

Forsyth, Kate
The Puzzle Ring

Fortenberry, Julie
Pearl Goes to Preschool

Foster, Travis
Give Me Back My Book!

Foster-Lasser, Sage
Grow Grateful

Fournier, Evelyne
Mama Bird Lost an Egg

Fournier, Laure
A Church for All [illustrator]

Fox, Culpeo S.
A Tangle of Brungles [illustrator]

Fox, Mem
Roly Poly

France, Emily
Krit Dreams of Dragon Fruit

Franklin, Jo
Little Rude Riding Hood (Twisted Fairy Tales)

Fraser, Mary Ann
Milton & Odie and the Bigger-than-Bigmouth Bass

Frazee, Marla
The Boss Baby

It Takes a Village [illustrator]

Little Brown

Freedman, Deborah
Blue Chicken


Freeman, Mylo
New Friends for Zaza (Zaza)

French, Jackie
Koala Bare

Friedman, Laurie
Thanksgiving Rules

Frongia, Daniela
Otto the Otter's Muddy Puddle (The Rubbish Rebellion #2) [illustrator]

Yapper the Unhappy Snapper (The Rubbish Rebellion #1) [illustrator]

Frost, Mitch
The Ultimate Survival Guide to Bedtime Monsters

Fruisen, Graham
Babies Around the World [illustrator]

Fucile, Tony
Best Friends Forever (Bink & Gollie #3) [illustrator]

Bink & Gollie (Bink & Gollie #1) [illustrator]

Mitchell's License [illustrator]

Two for One (Bink & Gollie #2) [illustrator]

Fujikawa, Gyo
Jenny Learns a Lesson

Sleepy Time

Welcome Is a Wonderful Word

Fuller, T. Nat
A Good Day for a Hat

Gaber, Susan
Stone Soup [illustrator]

Gabriel, Dani

Gailey, Sarah
Bread and Milk and Salt

Gaiman, Neil
Bitter Grounds


Crazy Hair

InterWorld (InterWorld #1)

M Is for Magic

Snow, Glass, Apples

Galbraith, Bree
Usha and the Stolen Sun

Gale, Heather
Ho'onani: Hula Warrior

Galliez, Roxane Marie
Patience, Miyuki (Miyuki)

Gally, Julianna
Carrot Harvest (Paulina & Charles the Rabbit, Adventures #1)

Gamlen, Pete
You Smell! [illustrator]

Gantos, Jack
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Garbutt, Loretta
A Stopwatch from Grampa

Gardner, Mona
The Dinner Party

Gardner, Whitney
Fake Blood

Garland, Kimberly
There's a Ghost in My Root Beer!

Garoche, Camille
Pillowland [illustrator]

Garrigue, Roland
Princess Kevin [illustrator]

Garrity-Riley, Kelsey
Frankie's Favorite Food

Gatti, Mauro
A is for Apricat (Little Concepts)

Geary, Rick
The Borden Tragedy (A Treasury of Victorian Murder)

Gee, Maurice
Salt (The Salt Trilogy #1)

Gehl, Laura
My Pillow Keeps Moving!

Genhart, Michael

Love Is Love

Gentile, Jackie A.
The Great Adventures of Banana & Basil [illustrator]

George, Kallie
Anne's Kindred Spirits (Anne Chapter Book #2)

Goodnight, Anne

If I Couldn't Be Anne

George, Kathleen
Chester Chipmunk Will Not Sleep

Gerlings, Rebecca
If Pluto Was a Pea [illustrator]

Ghahremani, Susie
Stack the Cats

Gianferrari, Maria
Whoo-Ku Haiku: A Great Horned Owl Story

Gidwitz, Adam
A Tale Dark and Grimm (A Tale Dark & Grimm #1)

Giff, Patricia Reilly
Hunter Moran Digs Deep (Hunter Moran #3)

Pictures of Hollis Woods

Gifford, Clive
You Smell!

Gigot, Jami
Seb and the Sun

Gilbert, Thomas
How We Sent Our Children to Their Deaths (The Daughters of Salem #1)

Gill, Joel Christian
Fast Enough

Gillman, Melanie
Stage Dreams

Gilmore, Sophie
Freda and the Blue Beetle

Gilpin, Stephen
Pirate Mom [illustrator]

Gino, Alex

Girard, Félix
That's Not Hockey! [illustrator]

Gish, Michelle
We Are Here Forever

Gladstone, James
My Winter City

Glasser, Robin Preiss
Fancy Nancy (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Aspiring Artist (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Explorer Extraordinaire! (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Fanciest Doll in the Universe (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Oodles of Kittens (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Ooh La La! It's Beauty Day (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire! (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Saturday Night Sleepover (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Splendiferous Christmas (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Stellar Stargazer! (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy: Tea Parties (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy and the Wedding of the Century (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy's Elegant Easter (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words: From Accessories to Zany (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

JoJo and the Twins (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Nancy Clancy: Super Sleuth (Nancy Clancy #1) [illustrator]

Glenn, Ebony
Mommy's Khimar [illustrator]

Gliori, Debi
Stormy Weather

Gloade, Gerald
Juji'jk: Mi'kmaw Insects [illustrator]

Godbout, Geneviève
Apple Cake: A Gratitude [illustrator]

Goodnight, Anne [illustrator]

If I Couldn't Be Anne [illustrator]

Kindergarten Luck [illustrator]

What's Up, Maloo?

Goegebuer, Jade
Jingle Bells [illustrator]

Goetz, Steve
Old MacDonald Had a Truck

Goldsack, Gaby
The First Christmas

Goldstyn, Jacques

Gómez, Blanca
Are We Still Friends? [illustrator]

Gomi, Taro
Mommy! Mommy!

Goodale, E. B.
Here and Now [illustrator]

Goode, Diane
Alligator Boy [illustrator]

Ninja Baby [illustrator]

Goodhart, Pippa
A Bottle of Happiness

Goodman, Allegra
The Other Side of the Island

Goodnight, Madelyn
The Pear Tree [illustrator]

Gorbachev, Valeri
Pinky's Fair Day

Gordon, Gus
Somewhere Else

Gordon, Scott
Froggy Dearest

If I Were A Robot

Gormley, Greg
All About Allosaurus

Gough, Julian
The Pest in the Nest (Rabbit and Bear #2)

Rabbit's Bad Habits (Rabbit and Bear #1)

Gould, Loretta
Counting in Mi'kmaw

Graegin, Stephanie
The Friendship Book [illustrator]

Graff, Lisa
Umbrella Summer

Graham, Joan Bransfield
The Poem That Will Not End

Gravas, Mark
Noodle Bear

Gravel, Elise
The Bat (Disgusting Critters)

The Cockroach (Disgusting Critters)

I Am Scary

The Mosquito (Disgusting Critters)

A Potato on a Bike

Graves, Annie
A Dog's Breakfast (The Nightmare Club #3)

Graves, Keith
Chicken Big

Gray, Dean
All About Allosaurus [illustrator]

Gray, Luli
The Pear Tree

Green, John
The Fault in Our Stars

Green, Rebecca
From Far Away [illustrator]

Greenaway, Kate
A Apple Pie

Kate Greenaway's Mother Goose

Marigold Garden

Grigg, Matthew
Professor Panini

Grimard, Gabrielle
L’été de la petite baleine (Le petit Gnouf) [illustrator]

The Magic Boat [illustrator]

kimotinâniwiw itwêwina / Stolen Words [illustrator]

Grishin, Konstantin
Froggy Dearest [illustrator]

Grodzicki, Jenna
I See Sea Food

Groenink, Chuck
How to Be a Hero [illustrator]

Hungry Jim [illustrator]

William Wakes Up (William #2) [illustrator]

William's Winter Nap (William #1) [illustrator]

Gross, Abigail
Tiny Travelers Puerto Rico (Treasure Quest) [illustrator]

Grubman, Bonnie
You Can't Scare Me

Gruener, Nina
Lulu & Pip

Gruhl, Jason
Everything is Connected

Grush, Patricia
Brave with Beauty: A Story of Afghanistan [illustrator]

Gaia Blues

Guendelsberger, Erin
Always More Love

Gugger, Rebecca
Ida and the Whale

Guidroz, Rukhsanna
Leila in Saffron

Mina vs. the Monsoon

Gundersheimer, Ben
Lilah Tov Good Night

Señorita Mariposa

The Only Child


Gürth, Per-Henrik
ABC of Canada [illustrator]

Gustavson, Adam
King of the Tightrope: When the Great Blondin Ruled Niagara [illustrator]

Guthrie, Savannah
Princesses Wear Pants (Princesses Wear Pants #1)

Hadadi, Hoda
Deep in the Sahara [illustrator]

Haddix, Margaret Peterson
The Always War

Hager, Jenna Bush
Sisters First

Haggard, Anna
An Unexpected Hero: A Bible Story About Rahab (Called and Courageous Girls)

Hakkola, Kalle
Livi & Nate

Hale, Nathan
One Trick Pony

Hale, Shannon
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Haley, MacKenzie
A Flicker of Hope [illustrator]

Snitchy Witch [illustrator]

Halpin, Abigail
Anne's Kindred Spirits (Anne Chapter Book #2) [illustrator]

Fort-Building Time [illustrator]

Hamilton, Davina
Ella Has a Plan

Hampson, Randi
Sharon, Lois & Bram's Skinnamarink

Hampson, Sarah
Dr. Coo and the Pigeon Protest

Hampson, Sharon
Sharon, Lois & Bram's Skinnamarink

Hanakata, Felia
Emileen and Jilly Bean [illustrator]

Hand, Cynthia
Unearthly (Unearthly #1)

Hanlon, Abby
Ralph Tells a Story

Hansen, Jean Tolfa
The Gift of Time

Hanson, Sydney
I Love You Like No Otter [illustrator]

Teddy Bear of the Year [illustrator]

Hapka, Cathy
Merry Christmas, Curious George (Curious George New Adventures)

Hara, Josh
Some People Do [illustrator]

Harbison, Paige
Here Lies Bridget

Harper, Charise Mericle
The Amazing Crafty Cat (Crafty Cat #1)

Harper, Norm

Harren, Kayla
A Boy Like You [illustrator]

Harris, Caroline
Miles Around London (Miles Around the World #1)

Harris, Chris
I'm Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown-Ups

Harris, Rachel
My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century #1) DNF
Harrison, April
What Is Given from the Heart [illustrator]

Harrison, Hannah E.
Bear Is Awake!: An Alphabet Story

Harrison, Ted
The Cremation of Sam McGee [illustrator]

Harrison, Vashti
Cece Loves Science [illustrator]

Festival of Colors [illustrator]

Little Dreamers: Visionary Women Around the World

Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History

Hart, Jeff
Eat, Brains, Love

Hartland, Jessie
My Tiny Pet

Hartnett, Sonya

Harvest House Publishers
Bible Infographics for Kids Volume 2: Light and Dark, Heroes and Villains, and Mind-Blowing Bible Facts

Hashimoto, Meika
Scaredy Monster (Scaredy Monster #1)

Hastings, Levi
The Spirit of Springer: The Real-Life Rescue of an Orphaned Orca [illustrator]

Hatam, Holly
Cinderella Rex (Once Before Time) [illustrator]

Hatanaka, Kellen
Tokyo Digs a Garden [illustrator]

Hautzig, Deborah
Happy Mother's Day!

Little Witch Goes to School (Little Witch #3)

Hawkes, Kevin
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch [illustrator]

Hayes, Kjersten
The Elephants' Guide to Hide-and-Seek

Hazell, Jaq
My Life as a Bench

Headley, Maria Dahvana
The Tallest Doll in New York City

Heagerty, Mat
Unplugged and Unpopular

Heap, Sue
Very Little Cinderella (The Very Little Series) [illustrator]

Heapy, Teresa
Loved to Bits

Very Little Cinderella (The Very Little Series)

Heder, Thyra
Alfie: (The Turtle That Disappeared)

How Do You Dance?

Hegan, Robin
Birds of a Feather: A Book of Idioms and Silly Pictures [illustrator]

Hegarty, Patricia
ABCs of Kindness

Hehenberger, Shelly
Together for Kwanzaa [illustrator]

Heidbreder, Robert
Noisy Poems for a Busy Day

Heide, Florence Parry
How to Be a Hero

Heiduczek, Martina
The Boy and the Egg [illustrator]

Heinrichs, Jane
Under Our Clothes: Our First Talk About Our Bodies [illustrator]

Hellisen, Cat

Helmer, Grace
Kahlo's Koalas: The Great Artists Counting Book

Helquist, Brett
The Lump of Coal [illustrator]

Henderson, Judith

Henderson, Leah
Mamie on the Mound: A Woman in Baseball's Negro Leagues

Henderson, Scott B.
A Blanket of Butterflies (The Debwe Series #4) [illustrator]

Hendrix, John
A Boy Called Dickens [illustrator]

Henkes, Kevin
Olive's Ocean

Henry, Jed
Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Edna the Very First Chicken [illustrator]

Heppermann, Christine
Poisoned Apples: Poems for You, My Pretty

Heroux, Matthew
Owl Love You

Herriges, Ann
Wind (Weather)

Hesse, Karen

Out of the Dust

Hevron, Amy
Moon Babies [illustrator]

Hewitson, C. A.
Out of Body: A Disturbing Short Story

Higgins, Carter
Everything You Need for a Treehouse

This Is Not a Valentine

Higgins, Ryan T.
Be Quiet! (Bruce #3)

Bruce's Big Move (Bruce #4)

Hotel Bruce (Bruce #2)

Mother Bruce (Bruce #1)

Santa Bruce (Bruce #5)

We Don't Eat Our Classmates


Hill, Janet
Miss Moon: Wise Words from a Dog Governess

Hill, Jen
Be Kind [illustrator]

Hill, Kelly
Anne's Alphabet

Anne's Feelings

Hill, Susanna Leonard
Grandma's Girl

Mars' First Friends

Moon's First Friends

Hillenbrand, Will
Share, Big Bear, Share! [illustrator]

Hills, Tad
How Rocket Learned to Read

Hinder, Sarah Jane
Hello, Sun!

Hindley, Kate
You Must Bring a Hat! [illustrator]

Hinds, Gareth
Poe: Stories and Poems DNF
Hische, Jessica
Tomorrow I'll Be Kind

Hobbie, Holly
A Cat Named Swan

Elmore and Pinky (Elmore #2)

Hodge, Rosamund
Cruel Beauty

Hodgson, Rob
A Good Day for a Hat [illustrator]

The Woods

Hodkin, Michelle
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer #1)

Hoffman, Alice

Hoffman, Ian
Jacob's Room to Choose

Hoffman, Mary
The Great Big Book of Life

Hoffman, Sarah
Jacob's Room to Choose

Hoffmann, Mark
Hawks Kettle, Puffins Wheel: And Other Poems of Birds in Flight [illustrator]

You Can Read [illustrator]

Hohn, Nadia L.
A Likkle Miss Lou: How Jamaican Poet Louise Bennett Coverley Found Her Voice

Holabird, Katharine
Angelina's Big City Ballet

Holden, Olivia
The Barefoot King [illustrator]

Holgate, Douglas
Wires and Nerve, Volume 1 (Wires and Nerve #1) [illustrator]

Holl, Adelaide
Sir Kevin of Devon

Holm, Jennifer L.
The Evil Princess vs. the Brave Knight

Little Babymouse and the Christmas Cupcakes

Sunny Side Up (Sunny #1)

Swing It, Sunny (Sunny #2)

A Very Babymouse Christmas (Babymouse #15)

Holm, Matthew
The Evil Princess vs. the Brave Knight

Little Babymouse and the Christmas Cupcakes

Sunny Side Up (Sunny #1)

Swing It, Sunny (Sunny #2)

A Very Babymouse Christmas (Babymouse #15)

Holt, K. A.
Redwood and Ponytail

Hong, Nicholas
Meddy Teddy: A Mindful Journey [illustrator]

Hood, Morag
Aalfred and Aalbert

Sophie Johnson, Unicorn Expert

Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Jumping Off Library Shelves [selector]

Hopkinson, Deborah
A Boy Called Dickens

Carter Reads the Newspaper

Horneman, Lars
Zenobia [illustrator]

Horowitz, Dave
Twenty-six Pirates: An Alphabet Book

Horowitz, Ruth
Are We Still Friends?

Horsley, Sandy

House, Silas
Eli the Good

Hovey, Amy
Yoga Baby

Howard, A. G.
Splintered (Splintered #1) DNF
Howarth, Jill
1-2-3, You Love Me

Howden, Sarah
Cone Cat

Howells, Tania
Willow's Smile [illustrator]

Howley, Jonty
Big Boys Cry

Hu, Ying-Hwa
Baby Flo: Florence Mills Lights Up the Stage [illustrator]

Jingle Dancer [illustrator]

Huang, Yinfan
The Couch Potato [illustrator]

Hubbard, Jenny
And We Stay DNF
Hubbard, Kirsten
Watch the Sky

Hubbard, Mandy
You Wish

Hudon-Verrelli, Jacqueline
Bye, Bye, Butterflies! [illustrator]

Charlie's Dirt Day [illustrator]

Hudson, Katy
The Perfect Birthday Recipe

Huff, Morgan
Finding Om [illustrator]

Huffman, Joe
The Magic Christmas Ornament [illustrator]

Huget, Jennifer LaRue
The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home

Hughes, Alison
The Silence Slips In

Spare Dog Parts

Hughes, Derek
Humpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall

Hughes, Emily
Everything You Need for a Treehouse [illustrator]

Hughes, Kelli
The Great Adventures of Banana & Basil

Hughes, Susan
Upsy-Daisy, Baby!

Huling, Phil
Cactus Soup [illustrator]

Humphres, Aaron L.
Miranda: Fantasyland Tour Guide

Humphreys, Jessica Dee
Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls Are Used in War (CitizenKid)

Hunt, Matt
Stephen Hawking (Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Hunt, Meg
Interstellar Cinderella [illustrator]

Reading Beauty [illustrator]

Hunter, Anne
Where's Baby?

Hunter, Jana Novotny
When Daddy's Truck Picks Me Up

Hunting, Erin
Catkwondo [illustrator]

The Tooth Fairy vs. Santa [illustrator]

Hurd, Clement
Goodnight Moon [illustrator]

Hutchinson, Sam
Animal Habitats

Ibatoulline, Bagram
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane [illustrator]

Idle, Molly
Flora and the Flamingo

People Share with People [illustrator]

Inman, Matthew
How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You

Ireland, Marion
The Little Rainbow Dragon: And 17 More Colour Stories

Isaacs, Anne
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

Israel, Laurie
Fancy Nancy: Camp Fancy (Fancy Nancy)

Ito, Hazel
P Is for Poppadoms! [illustrator]

Itoïz, Mayana
The Wolf in Underpants Freezes His Buns Off (The Wolf in Underpants #2) [illustrator]

Ivanov, Aleksey
Fancy Nancy: Every Day Is Earth Day (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Ivanov, Olga
Fancy Nancy: Every Day Is Earth Day (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Ivimey, John W.
Complete Version of ye Three Blind Mice

Jackowski, Amélie
Doctor Mouse [illustrator]

Jackson, Byron
The Saggy Baggy Elephant

Jackson, Kathryn
Richard Scarry's The Animals' Merry Christmas

The Saggy Baggy Elephant

Tawny Scrawny Lion

Jackson, Kristen L.
Jocelyn's Box of Socks

Jackson, Melanie
Eye Sore

Jackson, Mick
Ella May Does It Her Way

Jaeger, Paige
Will You Miss Us If We Go? (If We're Gone)

Jaffari, Laleh
The Elephant's Umbrella

Jaffe, Katie
Fly, Fly Again

Always Remember [illustrator]

James, Ann
Ready, Set, Skip! [illustrator]

James, Helen Foster
Grandma's Christmas Wish

James, Shelly Vaughan
Fussy Flamingo

Jameson, Karen
Moon Babies

Jamieson, Victoria
All's Faire in Middle School

Roller Girl

Jane, Nancy
Wyatt and Kamryn, Children from Outer Space

Jaquet, Gertie
Macie's Mirror [illustrator]

Jaramillo, Susie

Tiny Travelers China (Treasure Quest)

Tiny Travelers Mexico (Treasure Quest)

Tiny Travelers Puerto Rico (Treasure Quest)

Jay, Missi
Livi & Grace [illustrator]

Jayawardhana, Ray
Child of the Universe

Jeffers, Susan
McDuff Moves In (McDuff) [illustrator]

Jemisin, N. K.
How Long 'til Black Future Month?

Jenkins, Steve
The True Adventures of Esther the Wonder Pig

Jennings, Sharon
Franklin's Thanksgiving (Franklin the Turtle)

Jessell, Tim
A Night in Santa's Great Big Bag [illustrator]

Jessop, Connie
The naughty Naughty Chair

Jester, Larry
Grasshopper Eye and the Lost Vial [illustrator]

Jester, Michelle
Grasshopper Eye and the Lost Vial

Jevons, Chris
Little Rude Riding Hood (Twisted Fairy Tales) [illustrator]

The Ninjabread Man (Twisted Fairy Tales) [illustrator]

The Three Little Narwhals (Twisted Fairy Tales) [illustrator]

Johannes, Shelli R.
Cece Loves Science

John, Jory
The Bad Seed

Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back?

The Cool Bean

The Good Egg

I Love You Already (Bear & Duck #2)

Penguin Problems

Quit Calling Me a Monster!

That's What Dinosaurs Do

Johnson, Angela
A Girl Like Me

Johnson, Crockett
Harold and the Purple Crayon

Johnson, Gillian
The Cat and the Wizard [illustrator]

Johnson, Janet Sumner
Help Wanted: Must Love Books

Johnson, Kimberli
Emiline: Knight in Training

Johnson, Suzan
Little Red and the Crocodile (Fractured Fairytale #1)

Johnston, KT
Railway Jack: The True Story of an Amazing Baboon

Jones, Brenda
Skunks for Breakfast [illustrator]

Jones, Elizabeth Orton
Small Rain: Verses from the Bible [illustrator]

Jones, Jessie Orton
Small Rain: Verses from the Bible [selector]

Jones, Stephen Graham
Chapter Six

Jordan, Apple
Meddy Teddy: A Mindful Journey

Jorisch, Stéphane
It Happened on Sweet Street [illustrator]

Jose, Gladys
The Elephants' Guide to Hide-and-Seek [illustrator]

Pterapunzel (Once Before Time) [illustrator]

Sleeping Bronty (Once Before Time) [illustrator]

Jovanovic, Vanja Vuleta
I Am Violet [illustrator]

Joy, Kathy
Ah, Autumn (Breath of Joy)

Joyce, Louie
Haphaven [illustrator]

Joyner, Andrew
Unstoppable Me [illustrator]

Juanita, Kaylani
Magnificent Homespun Brown [illustrator]

Judd, Kelly Louise
A Year of Nature Poems [illustrator]

Kaban, Eda
Old MacDonald Had a Truck [illustrator]

Pink Is for Boys [illustrator]

Kacer, Kathy
The Brave Princess and Me

Gaawin Gindaaswin Ndaawsii / I Am Not A Number

Kang, Yong Ling
William's Getaway [illustrator]

Kangas, Juli
Good Night, Baddies [illustrator]

Kann, Victoria
Pinkalicious: Cherry Blossom (Pinkalicious)

Kappen, Alli
The Goblin Goes to School [illustrator]

Karas, G. Brian
Almost Time [illustrator]

The Dinosaur Expert (Mr. Tiffin's Classroom #4) [illustrator]

Kastelic, Maja
A Boy and a House

Katmore, Anna
Neverland (Adventures in Neverland #1)

Katstaller, Rachel
Ada Lovelace and the Number-Crunching Machine [illustrator]

Katz, Andrew
How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to Read

I Just Want to Be Super!

Katz, Karen
Princess Baby, Night-Night

Kaufman, Suzanne
All Are Welcome [illustrator]

Kaulitzki, Ramona
Sisters First [illustrator]

Kaulitzki, Sebastian
Froggy Dearest [illustrator]

Kavanagh, P. E.
The Horny Little Mermaid: A Short, Sexy Fairytale

Keane, Claire
Love Is [illustrator]

Paolo, Emperor of Rome [illustrator]

Keane, Dave
The Spooky Sleepover (Monster School)

Keller, EG
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo [illustrator]

Keller, Troy
The Wrinkles

Kellogg, Steven
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Snowflakes Fall [illustrator]

Kelsey, Elin
A Last Goodbye

You Are Never Alone

You Are Stardust

Kempter, Christa
Doctor Mouse

Kennedy, Anne
The Hug Book [illustrator]

Kennedy, Nick
Lost Beast, Found Friend [illustrator]

Kephart, Beth
Trini's Big Leap

I Walk with Vanessa

Malala's Magic Pencil [illustrators]

Kerbel, Deborah
Slow Moe

When Molly Drew Dogs

Kerrigan, Brooke
A Plan for Pops [illustrator]

Kessler, Jackie Morse
Hunger (Riders of the Apocalypse #1)

Ketteman, Helen
At the Old Haunted House

Go to School, Little Monster

Goodnight, Little Monster

Khalil, Aya
The Arabic Quilt

Khan, Hena
Crescent Moons and Pointed Minarets: A Muslim Book of Shapes

Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns: A Muslim Book of Colors

Khan, Rukhsana
Big Red Lollipop

Khanani, Intisar
Sunbolt (The Sunbolt Chronicles #1)

Kheiriyeh, Rashin
Story Boat [illustrator]

Khodai, Ali
The Elephant's Umbrella [illustrator]

Kibuishi, Kazu
The Stonekeeper (Amulet #1)

The Stonekeeper's Curse (Amulet #2)

Kiley, Bill
Hope and Freckles: Fleeing to a Better Forest

Kim, Jaime
La La La [illustrator]

Kim, Sang-Keun
Little Mole's Wish

Kim, Seo
A Map Into the World [illustrator]

Kim, Soyeon
A Last Goodbye [illustrator]

You Are Never Alone [illustrator]

You Are Stardust [illustrator]

Kimmel, Eric A.
Cactus Soup

King, A. S.
The Dust of 100 Dogs

King, Stephen

King, Stephen Michael
Pea Pod Lullaby [illustrator]

King James Bible
The Story of Christmas

Kinnaird, Ross
I Broke My Butt! [illustrator]

Seagull Sid: and the Naughty Things His Seagulls Did [illustrator]

Kirwan, Wednesday
Owl Love You [illustrator]

Kladstrup, Kristin
A Night in Santa's Great Big Bag

Klassen, Jon
Circle (The Shapes Trilogy #3) [illustrator]

Kloepper, Madeline
The Not-So Great Outdoors

Knowles, Laura
How to Be a Butterfly

We Build Our Homes: Small Stories of Incredible Animal Architects

Knox, Elizabeth
Dreamhunter (The Dreamhunter Duet #1)

Knudsen, Shannon
I'm Undead and Hungry!: Meet a Zombie (Monster Buddies)

Ko, Sangmi
A Dog Wearing Shoes

Koan, Anna
The Diwali Gift [illustrator]

Koay, Simon
Liam, the Brave [illustrator]

Kobayashi, Yutaka
The Circus Comes to the Village

Kolar, Bob
Frank and Bean [illustrator]

Kolesar, Slavka
The Promise Basket [illustrator]

Kolesova, Juliana
The Brave Princess and Me [illustrator]

Kondo, Marie
Kiki & Jax: The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship

Kondo, Robert
The Dam Keeper (Dam Keeper #1)

World Without Darkness (Dam Keeper #2)

Kontis, Alethea
Enchanted (Woodcutter Sisters #1)

Koppens, Judith
A Kiss for Giraffe

Mila Has Two Beds

Plastic Soup

Sir Tim Has a Secret

Sir Tim Is a Little Jealous

Kotb, Hoda
I've Loved You Since Forever

You Are My Happy

Kotzwinkle, William
Walter the Farting Dog (Walter the Farting Dog #1)

Koultourides, Ariana
Llamas with Lemonade: An Unusual Animal ABC

Kousky, Vern
Lawrence: The Bunny Who Wanted to Be Naked

Kramer, Jackie Azúa
That's for Babies

Krath, Mike
High and Lifted Up

Krause, Fran
The Creeps (Deep Dark Fears Collection #2)

Krauss, Ruth
Everything Under a Mushroom

A Hole is to Dig

A Very Special House

Kress, Adrienne
Outcast DNF
Kressel, Matthew
The Last Novelist

Krinsley, Jeanette
The Cow Went Over the Mountain

Krisher, Trudy
Bark Park!

Kronenberg, Kat
Love Big

Krykorka, Vladyana
A Promise Is a Promise [illustrator]

Kuefler, Joseph
Caveboy Crush [illustrator]

Kuipers, Alice
Violet and Victor Write the Most Fabulous Fairy Tale

Kulling, Monica
Eat My Dust!: Henry Ford's First Race

Kuman, Ivana
The Elephant in the Sukkah [illustrator]

Kunnas, Mauri
Goodnight, Mr. Clutterbuck (Mr. Clutterbuck #1)

Kunnas, Tarja
Goodnight, Mr. Clutterbuck (Mr. Clutterbuck #1)

Kunz, Jonathan
War and Peas: Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers

Kurilla, Renée
Chicks Rule! [illustrator]

Kusugak, Michael
A Promise Is a Promise

Kwaymullina, Ambelin
I Love Me [illustrator]

Kyak, Martha
Nattiq and the Land of Statues: A Story from the Arctic [illustrator]

Kyle, Tracey
Gazpacho for Nacho

Lacroix, Alexandre
Dragons in Love

Laden, Nina
Yellow Kayak

Lafrance, Marie
A Hen for Izzy Pippik [illustrator]

The Lady with the Books [illustrator]

The True Tale of a Giantess: The Story of Anna Swan [illustrator]

Lai, Thanhha
Inside Out and Back Again

Listen, Slowly

Laird, Elizabeth

Lalonde, Nicolle
Our Big Little Place [illustrator]

Lam, Thao
The Paper Boat

LaMarche, Jim
Albert [illustrator]

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Lost and Found: Three Dog Stories



Lamba, Marie
A Day So Gray

Lambe, Steve
Scaredy Monster (Scaredy Monster #1) [illustrator]

LaMothe, Matt
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from Around the World

Landers, Melissa
Starflight (Starflight #1)

Landry, Barbara
Nattiq and the Land of Statues: A Story from the Arctic

Langford, Jon

The Exchange

Langley, Sharon
A Ride to Remember

Lantz-Simmons, Mikhala
Can You See Me?

Lapid, Yossi
Mother's Day with Snowman Paul (Snowman Paul)

My Snowman, Paul (Snowman Paul)

Sasha and His Red Leash (The Secret Diary of a Lucky Pup #1)

Yara and Her Mystery Tree (Yara, the Rainforest Girl #1)

Yara's Tawari Tree (Yara's Rainforest #1)

Lappano, Jon-Erik
Tokyo Digs a Garden

Larsen, Andrew
Bye, Bye, Butterflies!

Charlie's Dirt Day

I Do Not Like Stories

Me, Toma and the Concrete Garden

Lasky, David
El Deafo [colourist]

Lasser, Jon
Grow Grateful

Latham, Irene
Can I Touch Your Hair?: Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship

Laudiero, Spencer
Harrison Dwight, Ballerina and Knight [illustrator]

Laurel, Jaime
My First Book of Tagalog Words [illustrator]

Law, Ingrid
Savvy (Savvy #1)

Law, Pearl
The Shadow in the Moon: A Tale of the Mid-Autumn Festival [illustrator]

Lawrence, J. T.

Lawrence, Mark
Christmas Tale

During the Dance

Lawson, Jennifer
Fly, Fly Again

Lázár, Ervin
Arnica the Duck Princess

Le, Khoa
The Fish Who Found the Sea [illustrator]

Flash and Gleam: Light in Our World [illustrator]

Lê, Minh
Drawn Together

Le Guin, Ursula K.
Voices (Annals of the Western Shore #2)

Leach, Wendy
I Campaigned for Ice Cream [illustrator]

Leavitt, Martine
My Book of Life by Angel

Lebeuf, Darren
My Forest Is Green

My Ocean Is Blue

Lee, Dennis
Alligator Pie

The Cat and the Wizard

Garbage Delight

The Ice Cream Store

Lee, Grace
Fancy Nancy: My Fanciest Things (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

Lee, Hannah
My Hair

Lee, Jared D.
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey! (There Was an Old Lady) [illustrator]

Lee, Mark
The Biggest Puddle in the World

Lee, Sherry J.
Going Up!

Lee, Stacey
Under a Painted Sky

Lee, Suzy

Lee, Vickie
12 Lucky Animals: A Bilingual Baby Book

Lehrhaupt, Adam
Idea Jar

Leick, Bonnie
Go to School, Little Monster [illustrator]

Goodnight, Little Monster [illustrator]

Leiren-Young, Mark
Big Whales, Small World

Orcas of the Salish Sea

Lemay, Violet
Babies Around the World [illustrator]

Lemire, Jeff
Secret Path [illustrator]

Lendroth, Susan

Leng, Qin
Mine. Yours. [illustrator]

Sharon, Lois & Bram's Skinnamarink [illustrator]

Shelter [illustrator]

When I Found Grandma [illustrator]

Lennon, John
With a Little Help from My Friends

Lennon, Julian
Touch the Earth (A Julian Lennon White Feather Flier Adventure #1)

Lennon, Katy
Children Just Like Me: A New Celebration of Children Around the World (Children Just Like Me)

Leopold, Joanie
Herbert Loves Sherbet

Lester, Mike
The Night Before the Night Before Christmas [illustrator]

Letourneau, Marie
Argyle Fox

Is a Worry Worrying You? [illustrator]

Leutwyler, Elise
The Kingdom of Glee [illustrator]

Monsters Are Afraid of Babies [illustrator]

Léveillé-Trudel, Juliana
How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to Read

Levi, Taltal
A Little Courage

Levin, Bridget
Rules of the Wild: An Unruly Book of Manners

Levine, Gail Carson

A Tale of Two Castles

Levithan, David
Dash and Lily's Book of Dares

Every Day

Lew-Vriethoff, Joanne
Beautiful [illustrator]

Love [illustrator]

Lewer, Margaret
The Little Rainbow Dragon: And 17 More Colour Stories

Lewis, Anne Margaret
The Runaway Santa: A Christmas Adventure Story

Lewis, Brooke
The Little Rainbow Dragon: And 17 More Colour Stories [illustrator]

Lewis, Stevie
Baby Shark! [illustrator]

Leysen, An
Brave Thumbelina

Mara the Space Traveler

Li, Cornelia
The Trouble with Time Travel [illustrator]

Li, Mei
Tiny Travelers China (Treasure Quest) [illustrator]

Tiny Travelers Mexico (Treasure Quest) [illustrator]

Libenson, Terri
Invisible Emmie DNF
Licht, Matthew
12 Again

Jeremy and the Magic Lobster

Lichtenheld, Tom
Duck! Rabbit! [illustrator]

Ten Rules of the Birthday Wish [illustrator]

Lilienstein, Lois
Sharon, Lois & Bram's Skinnamarink

Lin, Grace
A Big Mooncake for Little Star

One Is a Drummer [illustrator]

Red Is a Dragon [illustrator]

Lionni, Leo

Lippman, Laura
Liza Jane & the Dragon

Lipshaw, Suzanne Jacobs
I Campaigned for Ice Cream

Litchfield, David
Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years [illustrator]

Little, Jean
From Anna (Anna Solden #1) DNF
Untangling Christmas (Dear Canada Christmas Story #1)

Littlechild, George
A Man Called Raven [illustrator]

Liu, Zhen
What Does It Mean to Be Safe? [illustrator]

Liu-Trujillo, Robert
Sam! [illustrator]

Livingston, Lesley
Darklight (Wondrous Strange #2)

Tempestuous (Wondrous Strange #3)

Wondrous Strange (Wondrous Strange #1)

Liwska, Renata
The Christmas Quiet Book (The Quiet Book) [illustrator]

The Little Book of Big What-Ifs

The Loud Book! (The Quiet Book) [illustrator]

The Quiet Book (The Quiet Book) [illustrator]

Lloyd, Megan Wagner
Fort-Building Time

Lo, Dawn
Snow Song [illustrator]

Loewen, Nancy
One More Time

Loitz, Sara
Too Late

Löfdahl, Maja
Ming Goes to School [illustrator]

Ming and Her Poppy [illustrator]

Loh-Hagan, Virginia
PoPo's Lucky Chinese New Year

Loman, Sam
Bear in Love

Warm Clothes for Bear

You Are Special

Long, Ethan
Give Me Back My Book!

Long, Loren
If I Was the Sunshine [illustrator]

Love [illustrator]

Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters [illustrator]

Otis and the Scarecrow (Otis the Tractor #5)

There's a Hole in the Log on the Bottom of the Lake

Long, Sylvia
A Nest Is Noisy [illustrator]

Lopez, Aitziber
Brilliant Ideas From Wonderful Women

López, Mercè
Lion of the Sky: Haiku for All Seasons [illustrator]

López, Rafael
The Day You Begin [illustrator]

López, Silvia
Pacho Nacho

Lord, Cynthia
A Handful of Stars

Loring-Fisher, Jo
Taking Time

Lötter, Megan
The Chalk Giraffe [illustrator]

Love, Jessica
Julián Is a Mermaid

Løvlie, Jenny
The Girls [illustrator]

Lowe, Frank
Some People Do

Lowery, Mike
The Day My Mom Came to Kindergarten [illustrator]

Lowrey, Janette Sebring
The Poky Little Puppy

Lowry, Lois

Lozano, Luciano
Brilliant Ideas From Wonderful Women [illustrator]

Diana Dances

Lu, Oamul
Snowy Farm [illustrator]

Lucander, Jenny
Grobblechops [illustrator]

Lucas, Angie
My Big, Dumb, Invisible Dragon

Lupano, Wilfrid
The Wolf in Underpants Freezes His Buns Off (The Wolf in Underpants #2)

Luyken, Corinna
My Heart

Luzano, Tony
I Just Want to Be Super! [illustrator]

Lyles, Christopher
Grow Grateful [illustrator]

Lynch, Jennifer
Livi & Grace

Lyon, Tammie
Fly, Fly Again [illustrator]

Lyons, Kelly Starling
Going Down Home with Daddy

Lyons, Maddox
I'm Not a Girl: A Transgender Story

Maas, Sarah J.
Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) DNF
Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1)

MacCallum, Laura D.
Dad, I Love You Because...

MacCallum, Rhea
Dad, I Love You Because...

Macdonald, Maryann
It's Good to Have a Grandma

Odette's Secrets

MacFarlane, Rachael
Harrison Dwight, Ballerina and Knight

MacGregor, Roy
Clarence's Big Secret

Machowski, Marty
Don't Blame the Mud


MacIntosh, Craig
Don't Blame the Mud [illustrator]

MacKay, Elly
Beach Baby [illustrator]

MacKenzie, Emily
Wanted! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar

MacLachlan, Patricia
Barkus (Barkus #1)

Little Robot Alone

Snowflakes Fall

Maclear, Kyo
The Fog

It Began With a Page: How Gyo Fujikawa Drew the Way



Story Boat

Macon, Summer
ABCs of Kindness [illustrator]

Madden, Chris
We Build Our Homes: Small Stories of Incredible Animal Architects [illustrator]

Mae, Louisa
Chester Chipmunk Will Not Sleep [illustrator]

Magoon, Scott
Granny Gomez & Jigsaw [illustrator]

Linus, The Little Yellow Pencil

Magruder, Nilah
M.F.K.: Book One

Maguire, Gregory
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Maillard, Kevin Noble
Fry Bread

Major, Kevin
Eh? to Zed

Makatini, Bella
The Big Five

Malasomma, Roberta
The Big Buna Bash [illustrator]

Malenfant, Isabelle
Maggie's Chopsticks [illustrator]

Malone, Rebecca
Goodnight, Good Dog [illustrator]

Manceau, Édouard

Mandell, Sherri
The Elephant in the Sukkah

Mangal, Sakshi
Hide-and-Seek: A First Book of Position Words [illustrator]

Manley, Ben
The Misadventures of Frederick

Manning, Jane
Jumping Off Library Shelves [illustrator]

Manning, Mary
Hope and Freckles: Fleeing to a Better Forest [illustrator]

Manolessou, Katherina
Look for Ladybug in Ocean City

Mansbach, Adam
Go the F**k to Sleep

Mantchev, Lisa
Jinx and the Doom Fight Crime

Mantle, Ben
Bunnies on the Bus [illustrator]

Marcero, Deborah
In a Jar

Marino, Gianna
If I Had a Horse

Marion, Isaac
Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies #1)

Marley, Alea
Breathing Makes It Better [illustrator]

A Day So Gray [illustrator]

Marley, Bob
One Love

Marley, Cedella
One Love

Martchenko, Michael
Andrew's Loose Tooth [illustrator]

Angela's Airplane [illustrator]

The Boy in the Drawer [illustrator]

Classic Munsch 123 (Classic Munsch Concept Series) [illustrator]

Classic Munsch Moods (Classic Munsch Concept Series) [illustrator]

David's Father [illustrator]

The Fire Station [illustrator]

I Have to Go! [illustrator]

Jonathan Cleaned Up — Then He Heart a Sound [illustrator]

Moira's Birthday [illustrator]

Mortimer [illustrator]

Murmel, Murmel, Murmel [illustrator]

The Paper Bag Princess [illustrator]

Pigs [illustrator]

Show and Tell [illustrator]

Stephanie's Ponytail [illustrator]

Thomas' Snowsuit [illustrator]

Wait and See [illustrator]

We Share Everything! [illustrator]

Martin, Bill, Jr.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Chicka Chicka #1)

Martin, Emily Winfield
Dream Animals: A Bedtime Journey

Martin, Pauline
The Bureau of Misplaced Dads [illustrator]

Martín, Raquel
Maria Montessori (Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Martin, Stephen W.
The Trouble with Time Travel

Martin, Wilkie J.
All In the Same Boat

The Lazy Rabbit

Martinez-Neal, Juana
Fry Bread [illustrator]

Mason, Suzie
I Love You All Year Through [illustrator]

I've Loved You Since Forever [illustrator]

You Are My Happy [illustrator]

Mass, Wendy
Heaven Looks A Lot Like the Mall

Mata, Nina
What Does It Mean to Be American? [illustrator]

Matson, Michael
The Diamond Tree

Mattiangeli, Susanna
The Hideout

Matula, Christina
The Shadow in the Moon: A Tale of the Mid-Autumn Festival

Maurey, Katty
David Jumps In [illustrator]

May, Kyla
Kiki: My Stylish Life (Lotus Lane #1)

Mayer, Mercer
The Fall Festival (Little Critter Readers)

Just Helping My Dad (Little Critter Readers)

Just a Little Sick (Little Critter Readers)

There's an Alligator Under My Bed

There's a Nightmare in My Closet

Mazé, Léa
The Great Journey (Elma: A Bear's Life #1) [illustrator]

McAnulty, Stacy

Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years


McAuley, Mo
Mr. Sticky

McBeth, T. L.
Robot in Love

McCarthy, Maria C.
Cold Salt Water

McCartney, Paul
With a Little Help from My Friends

McCleery, William
Wolf Story

McCloskey, Robert
Blueberries for Sal

McCloskey, Shanda
Doll-E 1.0

McClurkan, Rob
Playdates Rule!

McCoy, Chris
Safely Endangered

McCreery, Crash
El Chupacabras [illustrator]

McDaniel, Lurlene

McDevitt, Mary Kate
What the World Needs Now Is Love [illustrator]

McDonald, Megan
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Stink It Up! (Stink)

McDonnell, Patrick
The Little Red Cat Who Ran Away and Learned His ABC's (the Hard Way)

McElhinney, Glenn
A Dog's Breakfast (The Nightmare Club #3) [illustrator]

McGhee, Alison
Best Friends Forever (Bink & Gollie #3)

Bink & Gollie (Bink & Gollie #1)

Two for One (Bink & Gollie #2)

McGinty, Ian
The Cloud Raiders (Glint #1)

McGraw, Sheila
Love You Forever [illustrator]

McHeffey, Adam

McIntyre, Sarah
The New Neighbors

McKean, Dave
Crazy Hair [illustrator]

Joe Quinn's Poltergeist [illustrator]

McKee, David
Elmer and Rose (Elmer)

McKenzie, Sharida
Dyno Dinosaur Family Christmas Adventures

McKinley, Kelly
Meet the Group of Seven

McKissack, Fredrick L.
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
McKissack, Patricia C.
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
What Is Given from the Heart

McLaughlin, Julie
Little Cloud: The Science of a Hurricane [illustrator]

McLennan, Susan
I Got You a Present!

McMahon, Serah-Marie
Killer Style: How Fashion Has Injured, Maimed, and Murdered Through History

McMillan, Dawn
I Broke My Butt!

Seagull Sid: and the Naughty Things His Seagulls Did

McMurchy-Barber, Gina
Free as a Bird

McNamara, Margaret
The Dinosaur Expert (Mr. Tiffin's Classroom #4)

McPhail, David
The Ice Cream Store [illustrator]

McWilliam, Howard
How I Met My Monster (I Need My Monster) [illustrator]

Medina, Erika
Margot and the Moon Landing [illustrator]

Mehlen, Erik
Do Penguins Have Pediatricians? [illustrator]

Mehta, Shuchi
The Diwali Gift

Meilihove, Jenny
When I Look Up [illustrator]

Meisel, Paul
I See a Cat

Vampire Baby [illustrator]

Meisner, Natalie
My Mommy, My Mama, My Brother & Me

Mello, Roger
Charcoal Boys

Feather [illustrator]

Melmed, Laura Krauss
Eight Winter Nights: A Family Hanukkah Book

Melmon, Deborah
Santa's Secret [illustrator]

Mena, Pato
Wonder Mole's Scent Costume Party

Meng, Cece
Always Remember

Merriman, Kyle
The Great Compromise [illustrator]

Merritt, Kory
Mystery of the Map (Poptropica #1) [illustrator]

Messier, Mireille
Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War

Messner, Kate
How to Read a Story

How to Write a Story

Over and Under the Pond (Over and Under)

Over and Under the Snow (Over and Under)

Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt (Over and Under)


Metcalfe-Chenail, Danielle
Alis the Aviator

Metzger, Cécile
The Invisible Bear

Metzger, Lois
Change Places With Me

Meyer, Jennifer L.
If I Could Give You Christmas [illustrator]

Meyer, Marissa
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1)

The Little Android (The Lunar Chronicles #0.6)

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2)

Wires and Nerve, Volume 1 (Wires and Nerve #1)

Meyer, Tim

Meza, Erika
Apple Picking Day! [illustrator]

Salsa Lullaby [illustrator]

Michaelis, Antonia
Tiger Moon

Michalak, Jamie
Frank and Bean

Mielke, Sabine
I Don't Like to Eat Ants [illustrator]

Miklós, Eszter
Dylan's Birthday Present [illustrator]

Miles, David
Love Big [illustrator]

Millard, Glenda
Pea Pod Lullaby

Miller, J. P.
Jingle Bells [illustrator]

Miller, Pat Zietlow
Be Kind

Miller, Rhett
No More Poems!: A Book in Verse That Just Gets Worse

Miller, Roberta
Richard Scarry's Chipmunk's ABC

Miller, Sarah
The Lost Crown

Mills, G. Riley
A Nutty Nutcracker Christmas

Mills, Wendy
All We Have Left

Min, Ken
Love Is Love [illustrator]

Minarik, Else Holmelund
Little Bear

Mineker, Vivian
The Yeti and the Jolly Lama: A Tale of Friendship [illustrator]

Minina, Tatiana
Dyno Dinosaur Family Christmas Adventures [illustrator]

Minter, Daniel
Going Down Home with Daddy [illustrator]

Miranda, Anne
Tangled: A Story About Shapes

Miranda, Megan
Eleven Minutes (Fracture #0.5)

Fracture (Fracture #1)

Mirtalipova, Dinara
Leila in Saffron [illustrator]

Mistry, Poonam
You're Snug with Me [illustrator]

Mitchell, Joni
The Circle Game

Mitchell, Saundra
Defy the Dark [editor]

The Vespertine (The Vespertine #1)

Miyakoshi, Akiko
I Dream of a Journey

The Piano Recital

The Tea Party in the Woods

Mok, Carmen
Cone Cat [illustrator]

A Stopwatch from Grampa [illustrator]

Molk, Laurel
No Room for a Pup!

Molleur, Matthew
The Kitten, The Cat & The Apple [illustrator]

Molnár, Jacqueline
Arnica the Duck Princess [illustrator]

A Warm Friendship [illustrator]

Monette, Marylène
Simon Steps Into the Ring

Moniz, Madalena
Today I Feel...: An Alphabet of Feelings

Monroe, Chris
Monkey With a Tool Belt Blasts Off!

Monti, Roman
Carrot Harvest (Paulina & Charles the Rabbit, Adventures #1) [illustrator]

Mora, Oge
Thank You, Omu!

Moreno, Juan Manuel
Coding Capers: Luci and the Missing Robot [illustrator]

Morgan, Josh
Cannonball [illustrator]

Morgan, Paulina
An ABC of Equality [illustrator]

Morgan, Sally
I Love Me

Morris, A. K.
Claudette's Miraculous Motown Adventure

Morris, Christie
The Legend of Chris Moose [illustrator]

Morris, Richard T.
Bear Came Along

Fear the Bunny

Sheep 101

Morrison, Bram
Sharon, Lois & Bram's Skinnamarink

Morrow, JT
Llama Llama Loves to Read (Llama Llama) [illustrator]

Morss, Alex
Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story

Morstad, Julie
It Began with a Page: How Gyo Fujikawa Drew the Way [illustrator]

When Green Becomes Tomatoes [illustrator]

Morvan, Jean-David
Wartime Ghetto (Irena #1) DNF
Moss, Caroline
J. K. Rowling (Work It, Girl)

Moyes, Nikki
If I Wake

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
The Magic Flute

Mueller, Olivia Chin
Princess Puffybottom . . . and Darryl [illustrator]

Muldrow, Diane
Frosty the Snowman

Mullady, Lysa
Red Yellow Blue

Mullin, Chuck
Bird Brain: Comics About Mental Health, Starring Pigeons DNF
Munger, Caroline
Biscuit et Cassonade aiment le camping (Biscuit et Cassonade)

Munsch, Robert
Andrew's Loose Tooth

Angela's Airplane

The Boy in the Drawer

Classic Munsch 123 (Classic Munsch Concept Series)

Classic Munsch Moods (Classic Munsch Concept Series)

David's Father

The Fire Station

From Far Away

I Have to Go!

Jonathan Cleaned Up — Then He Heart a Sound

Love You Forever

Moira's Birthday


Mud Puddle

Murmel, Murmel, Murmel

The Paper Bag Princess


A Promise Is a Promise

Show and Tell

Stephanie's Ponytail

Thomas' Snowsuit

Wait and See

We Share Everything!

Murdock, Kita Helmetag
Future Flash

Murfin, Teresa
Thanksgiving Rules [illustrator]

Murguia, Bethanie Deeney
Violet and Victor Write the Most Fabulous Fairy Tale [illustrator]

Murphy, Al
Kitchen Disco [illustrator]

Murphy, Frank
A Boy Like You

Murray, Diana
Unicorn Day

Murray, Glenn
Walter the Farting Dog (Walter the Farting Dog #1)

Murray, Julie
Valentine's Day (Holidays)

Muth, Jon J.
Mama Lion Wins the Race

Zen Ghosts

Myers, Matt
Rules of the House [illustrator]

N. G. K.
Harry's Lovely Spring Day (Harry the Happy Mouse #1)

Nader, Elisa
Escape from Eden

Naggan, Noar Lee
Lilah Tov Good Night [illustrator]

Nair, Kamala
The Girl in the Garden

Najjar, Taghreed
My Brother and Me

Nambiar, Sanjay
Maybe: A Little Zen for Little Ones

Nance, Andrew
The Barefoot King

Napoli, Donna Jo

Fish Girl

Narh, Samuel
Elle of Portuana

Narsimhan, Mahtab
You and Me Both

Nash, Scott
I'm Afraid Your Teddy Is in the Principal's Office [illustrator]

Nastanlieva, Vanya
I Am Goose! [illustrator]

Nathan, Amy
A Ride to Remember

Neal, Christopher Silas
Over and Under the Pond (Over and Under) [illustrator]

Over and Under the Snow (Over and Under) [illustrator]

Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt (Over and Under) [illustrator]

Neidhardt, Nicole
When We Are Kind [illustrator]

Nellist, Glenys
Good News! God Made Me!

Good News! It's Christmas!

Good News! It's Easter!

The Wonder That Is You

Ness, Patrick
A Monster Calls DNF
More Than This

Newbold, Amy
If da Vinci Painted a Dinosaur

If Picasso Painted a Snowman

Newbold, Greg
If da Vinci Painted a Dinosaur [illustrator]

If Picasso Painted a Snowman [illustrator]

Newell, Peter
Peter Newell's Pictures and Rhymes

The Rocket Book

Newfeld, Frank
Alligator Pie [illustrator]

Garbage Delight [illustrator]

Newland, Gillian
Gaawin Gindaaswin Ndaawsii / I Am Not A Number [illustrator]

Newton, Joy
The Very Berry Counting Book [illustrator]

Nguyen, Mai K.
Pilu of the Woods

Nicholls, Sally
The Button Book

Nichols, Sandy
Tallulah Plays the Tuba [illustrator]

Nichols, Travis
Betty's Burgled Bakery: An Alliteration Adventure

Nickel, Adam
No One Likes a Fart [illustrator]

Nielsen, Susin
Princess Puffybottom . . . and Darryl

Nijkamp, Marieke
This Is Where It Ends

Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens [editor]

Nikola-Lisa, W.
Please Don't Say An X Word

Nilsson, Ulf
All the Dear Little Animals

Nobleman, Mark Tyler
The Chupacabra Ate the Candelabra

Noël, Alyson
Blue Moon (The Immortals #2)

Noh, Mikyo
David Attenborough (Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Nolan, Dennis
Thunder Horse [illustrator]

Noll, Amanda
How I Met My Monster (I Need My Monster)

North, Pearl
Libyrinth (Libyrinth #1)

Northcutt, Allen
The Legend of Chris Moose

Novak, B. J.
The Book With No Pictures

Numeroff, Laura Joffe
If You Give a Pig a Party (If You Give...)

Nys, Anouk
Mila Has Two Beds [illustrator]

Obama, Barack
Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters

O'Brien, John
Sir Small and the Dragonfly (Sir Small) [illustrator]

O'Byrne, Chelsea
Hello, Crow! [illustrator]

O'Byrne, Nicola
Where Is Home, Daddy Bear?

O'Connor, Jane
Fancy Nancy (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: The 100th Day of School (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Apples Galore! (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Aspiring Artist (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Best Reading Buddies (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Bubbles, Bubbles, and More Bubbles! (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Candy Bonanza (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Book Report (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Every Day Is Earth Day (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Explorer Extraordinaire! (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Fanciest Doll in the Universe (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Fancy Day in Room 1-A (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Hair Dos and Hair Don'ts (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: It's Backward Day! (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Just My Luck! (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Mermaid Ballet (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Missing Easter Bunny (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy at the Museum (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: My Family History (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Oodles of Kittens (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Ooh La La! It's Beauty Day (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Pajama Day (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Peanut Butter and Jellyfish (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire! (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Poison Ivy Expert (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Quest for the Unicorn (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Saturday Night Sleepover (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy Sees Stars (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Splendid Speller (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Splendiferous Christmas (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Spring Fashion Fling (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Stellar Stargazer! (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Super Secret Surprise Party (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Tea Parties (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Time for Puppy School (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Too Many Tutus (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy and the Wedding of the Century (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy's Elegant Easter (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words: From Accessories to Zany (Fancy Nancy)

JoJo and the Big Mess (Fancy Nancy)

JoJo and Daddy Bake a Cake (Fancy Nancy)

JoJo and the Magic Trick (Fancy Nancy)

JoJo and the Twins (Fancy Nancy)

Lulu Goes to Witch School (Lulu the Witch #1)

Nancy Clancy: Super Sleuth (Nancy Clancy #1)

Ready, Set, Skip!

Sir Small and the Dragonfly (Sir Small)

The Snow Globe Family

O'Donnell, Patrick
Do Penguins Have Pediatricians?

Oelschlager, Vanita
Birds of a Feather: A Book of Idioms and Silly Pictures

Don't Dangle Your Participle


I Came From the Water

Ivy in Bloom: The Poetry of Spring from Great Poets and Writers from the Past

Sing Freedom!

Offill, Jenny

OHora, Zachariah
Read the Book, Lemmings! [illustrator]

Okstad, Ella
Sophie Johnson, Unicorn Expert [illustrator]

Oldland, Nicholas
Big Bear Hug (Life in the Wild)

The Busy Beaver (Life in the Wild)

Hockey in the Wild (Life in the Wild)

Making the Moose Out of Life (Life in the Wild)

One Wild Christmas (Life in the Wild)

Up the Creek (Life in the Wild)

Walk on the Wild Side (Life in the Wild)

O'Leary, Sara
Maud and Grand-Maud

O'Leary, Wendy
Breathing Makes It Better

Oliver, Alison


Oliver, Carmen
Bears Make the Best Writing Buddies (Bears Make the Best #3)

Oliver, Lauren
Before I Fall

Oliveros, Jessie
The Remember Balloons

Olson, Michelle
Norman's Gift

Oncina, Ana
Croquette & Empanada: The Book Romeo Would Have Given Juliet (Croquette & Empanada #1)

O'Neill, Katie

Oppenheim, Allison
Princesses Wear Pants (Princesses Wear Pants #1)

Oram, Hiawyn
Snowboy and the Last Tree Standing

The Clothesline

Orel, Brigita
The Pirate Tree

Ornot, R. D.
Hide-and-Seek: A First Book of Position Words

Oron, Hagit R.
Elphie and Dad go on an Epic Adventure (Elphie's books #1)

Oron, Or
Elphie and Dad go on an Epic Adventure (Elphie's books #1) [illustrator]

Oswald, Pete
The Bad Seed [illustrator]

The Cool Bean [illustrator]

The Good Egg [illustrator]

The Sad Little Fact [illustrator]

That's What Dinosaurs Do [illustrator]

Otis, Abbey Mei

Otoshi, Kathryn
Draw the Line

Oud, Pauline
Counting Animals with Lily and Milo

Ouimet, David
I Go Quiet

Ouro, David
Case of the Christmas Concert Catastrophe (Rourke's Mystery Chapter Books) [illustrator]

Ouyessad, Myriam
The Wolf Will Not Come

Overmeer, Suzan
Ella the Swinging Duck

Oxenbury, Helen
Tiny Tim: Verses for Children [illustrator]

Pace, Anne Marie
Busy-Eyed Day

Vampirina Ballerina Hosts a Sleepover (Vampirina Ballerina)

Paganelli, Elisa
Mars' First Friends [illustrator]

Moon's First Friends [illustrator]

Pak, Kenard
Cat Wishes [illustrator]

The Fog [illustrator]

Maud and Grand-Maud [illustrator]

Pallotta, Jerry
The Very Berry Counting Book

Pamintuan, Macky
Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure! (Flat Stanley #1) [illustrator]

Stanley's Christmas Adventure (Flat Stanley #5) [illustrator]

Panders, Wendy
Hey There, Earth Dweller!: Dive Into This World We Call Earth [illustrator] DNF
Pantoja, Tintin
Unplugged and Unpopular [illustrator]

Papp, Lisa
Madeline Finn and the Shelter Dog

Madeline Finn and the Therapy Dog

Paradis, Anne
Caillou: The Dinosaur Museum [adapter]

Pardi, Charlotte
Cry, Heart, But Never Break [illustrator]

Parent, Nancy
Fancy Nancy: The Case of the Disappearing Doll (Fancy Nancy) [adapter]

Fancy Nancy: Chez Nancy (Fancy Nancy) [adapter]

Fancy Nancy: Mademoiselle Mom (Fancy Nancy) [adapter]

Fancy Nancy: Nancy Makes Her Mark (Fancy Nancy) [adapter]

Parenteau, Shirley
Bears and Boos

Park, Barbara
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus (Junie B. Jones #1)

Park, Linda Sue
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Parker, Amy
My Christmas List

Parr, Todd
Love the World

Parrett, Sara
No, No, Nora! [illustrator]

Parsons, Garry
The Dinosaur That Pooped the Bed! (The Dinosaur That Pooped) [illustrator]

The Dinosaur That Pooped the Past! (The Dinosaur That Pooped) [illustrator]

The Dinosaur That Pooped a Planet! (The Dinosaur That Pooped) [illustrator]

Parton, Daron
The Ultimate Survival Guide to Bedtime Monsters [illustrator]

Paschkis, Julie
Where Lily Isn't

Pasek, Joanna
Mother's Day with Snowman Paul (Snowman Paul) [illustrator]

My Snowman Paul (Snowman Paul) [illustrator]

Sasha and His Red Leash (The Secret Diary of a Lucky Pup #1) [illustrator]

Yara and Her Mystery Tree (Yara, the Rainforest Girl #1) [illustrator]

Yara's Tawari Tree (Yara, the Rainforest Girl #1) [illustrator]

Patel, Kalpna
Alis the Aviator [illustrator]

Paterson, Katherine
Bridge to Terabithia

The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Patricelli, Leslie

Fa La La

Paul, Alan J.
Confuchsia: An Early Bird's Tale DNF
Paul, Baptiste
I Am Farmer

Paul, Korky
Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants [illustrator]

Paul, Miranda
I Am Farmer

Pavlović, Milan
The Boy Who Invented the Popsicle: The Cool Science Behind Frank Epperson's Famous Frozen Treat [illustrator]

Pawlak, Paweł
Oscar Seeks a Friend

Paxton, Kirsty
The Chalk Giraffe

Payette, Eveline
Rock Mammoth

Pearlman, Robb
Pink Is for Boys

Pearson, Kit
A Day of Signs and Wonders

The Magic Boat

Pearson, Mary E.
The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Jenna Fox Chronicles #1)

Pearson, Ridley
Peter and the Starcatchers (Peter and the Starcatchers #1)

Pedler, Caroline
The First Christmas [illustrator]

Peet, Bill
The Wump World

Peirce, Lincoln
Little Big Nate Draws a Blank

Pelletier, Ninon
The Silence Slips In [illustrator]

Pelon, Sébastien
Hope [illustrator]

Pelto, Lisa
Meet Me at the Farmers Market

Peña, Zeke
My Papi Has a Motorcycle [illustrator]

Pendziwol, Jean E.
Me and You and the Red Canoe

Pène du Bois, William
My Grandson Lew [illustrator]

Penfield, Shiloh
Max's Box [illustrator]

Penfold, Alexandra
All Are Welcome

Peppas, Lynn
Victoria Day (Celebrations in My World)

Perdomo, Juliana
Rainbow Colors [illustrator]

Perkins, Stephanie
My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories [editor]

Perl, Erica S.
Ferocious Fluffity: A Mighty Bite-y Class Pet

Perlman, Janet
Cinderella Penguin: or, The Little Glass Flipper

Perreault, Guillaume
Rock Mammoth [illustrator]

Perry, Sarah
If...: 25th Anniversary Edition

Persico, Zoe
Greta and the Giants [illustrator]

Petersen, Tim
I Don't Want to Eat Bugs (Lisbon's Misadventures #1) [illustrator]

Petričić, Dušan
Mud Puddle [illustrator]

Pett, Mark
The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes

Petty, Dev

Peynado, Brenda
The Kite Maker

Peyrat, Jérôme
On My Mountain [illustrator]

Pfister, Marcus
Leo's Monster

Who Stole the Hazelnuts?

Pham, LeUyen
Bear Came Along [illustrator]

Sheep 101 [illustrator]

Vampirina Ballerina Hosts a Sleepover (Vampirina Ballerina) [illustrator]

Phelan, Matt
Little Robot Alone [illustrator]

Phi, Bao
My Footprints

Me and You and the Red Canoe [illustrator]

Philip, Simon
You Must Bring a Hat!

Pich, Elizabeth
War and Peas: Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers

Pierloot, Mathieu
Look, It's Raining

Pierpont, James
Jingle Bells

Pilkey, Dav
The Hallo-Wiener

Pilutti, Deb
Idea Jar [illustrator]

Pimienta, Jose
Soupy Leaves Home [illustrator]

Pinkney, Jerry
The Christmas Boot [illustrator]

Pino, Pablo
Pacho Nacho [illustrator]

Baby Bowie: A Book About Adjectives (Baby Rocker) [illustrator]

Pintadera, Fran
Why Do We Cry?

Pirrone, Francesca
Bruno Has One Hundred Friends

Little Book of Kindness

Pitman, Gayle E.
A Church for All

Pittman, Eddie
Red's Planet (Red's Planet #1)

Piu, Amandine
The Red Suitcase [illustrator]

Pizzoli, Tamara
Tallulah the Tooth Fairy CEO

Pledger, Douglas
Miles Around London (Miles Around the World #1)

Plourde, Lynn
If I Could Give You Christmas

Plum, Amy
Dreamfall (Dreamfall #1)

Poe, Edgar Allan
The Cask of Amontillado

Poe: Stories and Poems DNF
Pogue, Jamie
The Littlest Witch (A Littlest Book) [illustrator]

Poh, Jennie
The Pirate Tree [illustrator]

Ponti, Claude
My Valley

Porter, Jane
Brian the Brave [illustrator]

Posada, Mia
Summer Green to Autumn Gold: Uncovering Leaves' Hidden Colors

Potter, Beatrix
Histoire de Pierre Lapin

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Poulin, Andrée
That's Not Hockey!

Pousette, Kelly
If You Were Night [illustrator]

Poynter, Dougie
The Dinosaur That Pooped the Bed! (The Dinosaur That Pooped)

The Dinosaur That Pooped the Past! (The Dinosaur That Pooped)

The Dinosaur That Pooped a Planet! (The Dinosaur That Pooped)

Prabhat, Sandhya
I Am Brown [illustrator]

Prasadam-Halls, Smriti
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere

Pratt, Pierre
The Old Man and the Penguin [illustrator]

One Is a Lot (Except When It's Not) [illustrator]

Preble, Joy
Dreaming Anastasia (Dreaming Anastasia #1)

The Sweet Dead Life (Sweet Dead Life #1)

Prendergast, Gabrielle
If Pluto Was a Pea

Preston-Gannon, Frann
Busy-Eyed Day [illustrator]

Preuitt, Sheela
Thukpa for All

Prickly, Miss
The Heart of the Forest (Animal Jack #1) [illustrator]

Priddy, Sam
Children Just Like Me: A New Celebration of Children Around the World (Children Just Like Me)

Prineas, Sarah
The Magic Thief (Magic Thief #1)

Prochovnic, Dawn Babb
Where Does a Cowgirl Go Potty?

Where Does a Pirate Go Potty?

Babies Around the World

Pugsley, Kate
Mermaid Dreams

Pullen, Zachary
Rowdy Randy [illustrator]

Puvilland, Alex
The Broken Vow (Spill Zone #2) [illustrator]

Spill Zone (Spill Zone #1) [illustrator]

Puybaret, Éric
Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau [illustrator]

Qualls, Sean
Can I Touch Your Hair?: Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship [illustrator]

Why Am I Me? [illustrator]

Quintanilla, Hazel Michelle
One More Time [illustrator]

Quintero, Isabel
My Papi Has a Motorcycle

Quirk, Carol Hill
Will You Miss Us If We Go? (If We're Gone) [illustrator]

Raczka, Bob
Niko Draws a Feeling

Raedeke, Christy
The Daykeeper's Grimoire (Prophecy of Days #1)

Rafter, Chez
Otto the Otter's Muddy Puddle (The Rubbish Rebellion #2)

Yapper the Unhappy Snapper (The Rubbish Rebellion #1)

Ram, Praba
Thukpa for All

Ramadan, Danny
Salma the Syrian Chef

Rambo, Cat
Clockwork Fairies

Ranade, Shilpa
Thukpa for All [illustrator]

Randall, Alison R.
End of the Line

Randall, Emma
A Book of Love

How to Trap a Leprechaun [illustrator]

Ransom, Candice
Apple Picking Day!

Ransome, James
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure [illustrator] DNF
Ranucci, Claudia
How to Make a Shark Smile [illustrator]

Raschka, Chris
Arlene Sardine

The Blushful Hippopotamus

Crabby Crab (Thingy Things)

The Magic Flute

Rash, Andy
Ten Little Zombies: A Love Story

Rasoulipour, Mohammad
Can You See Me? [illustrator]

Ratanavanh, Seng Soun
My Island [illustrator]

Patience, Miyuki (Miyuki) [illustrator]

Rattray, Emma
The Rug Bear

Rausser, Stephanie
Lulu & Pip [photographer]

Ray, Deborah Kogan
Wanda Gág: The Girl Who Lived to Draw

Ray, Mary Lyn
The Friendship Book

Goodnight, Good Dog

Rayatt, Billie
Whizzy Willow's First Day at School

Rayner, Abigail
I Am a Thief!

Rayner, Catherine
Smelly Louie

Rayner, Jacqueline K.
Hats Are Not for Cats!

Rayner, Mary
Garth Pig and the Icecream Lady (The Pig Family)

Garth Pig Steals the Show (The Pig Family)

Mrs. Pig Gets Cross, and Other Stories (The Pig Family)

Mrs. Pig's Bulk Buy (The Pig Family)

Razzi, Jim
Mickey's Christmas Carol

Read, Kate
One Fox: A Counting Book Thriller

Reaves, Michael
InterWorld (InterWorld #1)

Record, Adam
Even Superheroes Have to Sleep [illustrator]

Red Nose Studio
The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home [illustrator]

Reddaway, Clare
Swimming Away

Redondo, Susana Gómez
The Day Saida Arrived

Rees, Celia
Sovay DNF
Rees, Douglas
Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Edna the Very First Chicken

Reeves, Pauline
It Wasn't Me! [illustrator]

Reich, Kass
Dr. Coo and the Pigeon Protest [illustrator]

Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War [illustrator]

What Grew in Larry's Garden [illustrator]

Reidy, Jean

When the Snow Is Deeper Than My Boots Are Tall

Reinhardt, Jennifer Black
Sometimes You Fly [illustrator]

Reinoso, Elena
Ella Has a Plan [illustrator]

Reiter, Xee
The Shared Room [illustrator]

Renaud, Anne
The Boy Who Invented the Popsicle: The Cool Science Behind Frank Epperson's Famous Frozen Treat

Mr. Crum's Potato Predicament

The True Tale of a Giantess: The Story of Anna Swan

Renon, Delphine
The Quiet Crocodile Goes to the Beach [illustrator]

Restrepo, Andres
Out Loud: June's Venture [illustrator]

Revis, Beth
The Body Electric DNF
Rex, Adam
Nothing Rhymes with Orange

Reyes McDonald, Magali
Tiny Travelers China (Treasure Quest) [illustrator]

Tiny Travelers Mexico (Treasure Quest) [illustrator]

Tiny Travelers Puerto Rico (Treasure Quest) [illustrator]

Reynolds, Peter H.
The Dot (Creatrilogy)

I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness [illustrator]

Stink It Up! (Stink) [illustrator]

The Water Princess [illustrator]

Rice, Pamela C.
Claudette's Miraculous Motown Adventure [illustrator]

Richmond, Lori
Bunny's Staycation (Mama's Business Trip)

Richmond, Susan Edwards
Bird Count

Riddell, Chris
The Rabbits' Rebellion [illustrator]

Riggs, Ransom
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine #1)

Ringtved, Glenn
Cry, Heart, But Never Break

Richards, Dan
Once Upon a Goat

Richardson, Bill
The Promise Basket

Riley, A. K.
Snow Song

Rislov, Casey Day
Rowdy Randy

Ritchie, Scot
Join the No-Plastic Challenge!

Owen at the Park

Rivas, Victor
In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories [illustrator]

Rivera, Matthew
Fussy Flamingo [illustrator]

Rivero, Marcos Almada
Señorita Mariposa [illustrator]

Roberts, David
Ada Twist, Scientist (Questioneers) [illustrator]

The Chinese Emperor's New Clothes [illustrator]

Don't Blink! [illustrator]

Iggy Peck, Architect (Questioneers) [illustrator]

Rosie Revere, Engineer (Questioneers) [illustrator]

Sofia Valdez, Future Prez (Questioneers) [illustrator]

Roberts, Jillian
Under Our Clothes: Our First Talk About Our Bodies

Robinson, Christian

Last Stop on Market Street [illustrator]

Robinson, Claudette
Claudette's Miraculous Motown Adventure

Rocco, John
Camp Tiger [illustrator]

Rockefeller, Matt
The Amber Anthem (5 Worlds #4) [illustrator]

The Cobalt Prince (5 Worlds #2) [illustrator]

The Red Maze (5 Worlds #3) [illustrator]

The Sand Warrior (5 Worlds #1) [illustrator]

Rohner, Dorothia
I Am Goose!

Röhr, Stéphanie
The Bad Easter Bunny [illustrator]

Rojankovsky, Feodor
The Cow Went Over the Mountain [illustrator]

Rolli, Jennifer Hansen
Just for Me

Romulo, Liana
Filipino Celebrations: A Treasury of Feasts and Festivals

My First Book of Tagalog Words

Ronca, Catell
How to Be a Butterfly [illustrator]

Rooks, Jo
Doug's Dung (Once Upon a Garden)

Lucy's Light (Once Upon a Garden)

Sophie's Shell (Once Upon a Garden)

Rooney, Ellen
Grandmother School [illustrator]

Rose, Deborah Lee
The Twelve Days of Winter

Rose, Drew
I Like to Eat Children [illustrator]

Rose, Melanie
M Is for Maple: A Canadian Alphabet [illustrator]

Rose, Naomi C.
Tashi and the Tibetan Flower Cure

Rosenberg, Madelyn
Dream Boy

Rosenthal, Amy Krouse
Don't Blink!

Duck! Rabbit!

Little Pea (Little Books)

Uni the Unicorn (Uni the Unicorn #1)

Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True (Uni the Unicorn #2)

Rosoff, Meg
How I Live Now

Ross, Graham
Alphabetter [illustrator]

Ross, Stewart
The Ninjabread Man (Twisted Fairy Tales)

The Three Little Narwhals (Twisted Fairy Tales)

Ross, Tony
I Want a Bedtime Story! (My Little Princess)

I Want a Friend! (My Little Princess)

I Want a Sister! (My Little Princess)

I Want Two Birthdays! (My Little Princess)

Our Kid

Rossner, Rose
I Love You Like No Otter

Roth, Ruby
V Is for Vegan: The ABCs of Being Kind

Rothe, Reagan
I Like to Eat Children

Röthlisberger, Simon
Ida and the Whale

Roussey, Christine
My Lazy Cat

Rowe, Amanda
If There Never Was a You

Rubiano, Brittany
A Boy, A Bear, A Balloon

Rubin, Adam
Dragons Love Tacos (Dragons Love Tacos #1)

El Chupacabras

Rubinstein, Gary
The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes

Rubio, Ayesha L.
Worry Says What? [illustrator]

Ruiz, Joy Hwang
Every Little Letter [illustrator]

Rusch, Elizabeth
Gidget the Surfing Dog: Catching Waves with a Small But Mighty Pug

Russita, Tanja
All In the Same Boat [illustrator]

The Lazy Rabbit [illustrator]

Russo, Marisabina
The Bunnies Are Not in Their Beds

Rust, Kari
The House at the End of the Road

Rutkoski, Marie
Jacks and Queens at the Green Mill (The Shadow Society #0.5)

The Shadow Society (The Shadow Society #1)

Rutland, J.
Chilly da Vinci

Ruttan, Molly
I Am a Thief! [illustrator]

The Stray

Ruurs, Margriet
Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey

Ryan, Carrie
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth #1)

Rylant, Cynthia
Alligator Boy

God Went to Beauty School


The Old Woman Who Named Things


Saburi, Misa
Natsumi's Song of Summer [illustrator]

Sadler, Marilyn
P. J. Funnybunny Camps Out (P. J. Funnybunny #7)

Sakey, Marcus

Sala, Felicita
The Hideout [illustrator]

Mr. Crum's Potato Predicament [illustrator]

Salas, Laura Purdie
Lion of the Sky: Haiku for All Seasons

Water Can Be... (Can Be... Books)

Salati, Doug
In a Small Kingdom [illustrator]

Salmieri, Daniel
Dragons Love Tacos (Dragons Love Tacos #1) [illustrator]

Samaniego, César
Railway Jack: The True Story of an Amazing Baboon [illustrator]

Samworth, Kate
Liza Jane & the Dragon [illustrator]

Sánchez Vegara, Mª Isabel
Ada: My First Ada Lovelace (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Bruce Lee (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

David Attenborough (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

David Bowie (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Dolly Parton (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Jane: My First Jane Goodall (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Josephine: My First Josephine Baker (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Lucy Maud: My First L. M. Montgomery (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Mahatma Gandhi (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Maria Montessori (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Rudolf Nureyev (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Stephen Hawking (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Vivienne Westwood (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

Sanders, Diwa Tharan
Kaya's Heart Song

Sandoval, Tony
The Windy Day

Sandu, Anca
Lana Lynn Howls at the Moon [illustrator]

Santanach, Tino
Jocelyn's Box of Socks [illustrator]

Santat, Dan
After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again

Drawn Together [illustrator]

No More Poems!: A Book in Verse That Just Gets Worse [illustrator]

The Princess and the Pit Stop [illustrator]

Santiago, Weberson
Old Man of the Sea [illustrator]

Santos, Victor D. O.
Dylan's Birthday Present

Santoso, Charles
I Don't Like Koala [illustrator]

Sarac, Annie
My Monster Friends and Me

Saracino, Luciano
Tomato Must Be Saved! (The Adventures of Fede and Tomato #1)

Sardà, Júlia
Mary, Who Wrote Frankenstein [illustrator]

Sarkar, Anjan
Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas [illustrator]

Sato, Miki
Golden Threads [illustrator]

Sattin, Samuel
The Cloud Raiders (Glint #1)

Saudo, Coralie
All By Myself! [illustrator]

Saunders, Catherine
Children Just Like Me: A New Celebration of Children Around the World (Children Just Like Me)

Saunders, Chris

Savage, Candace
Hello, Crow!

Savitz, Harriet May
Is a Worry Worrying You?

Saxon, Victoria
Fancy Nancy: Toodle-oo, Miss Moo (Fancy Nancy)

Say, Allen
Silent Days, Silent Dreams

Scanlon, Liz Garton
Kate, Who Tamed the Wind

Scarry, Patsy
Good Night, Little Bear

Scarry, Richard
Good Night, Little Bear [illustrator]

Richard Scarry's The Animals' Merry Christmas [illustrator]

Richard Scarry's Chipmunk's ABC [illustrator]

Schachner, Judy
Stretchy McHandsome

Schaefer, Lola M.
Hidden Dangers: Seek and Find 13 of the World's Deadliest Animals

Schiffer, Miriam B.
Stella Brings the Family

Schindler, S. D.
The Snow Globe Family [illustrator]

Schlaifer, Stephanie Ellis
The Cloud Lasso

Schlossberg, Elisabeth
Eight Winter Nights: A Family Hanukkah Book [illustrator]

Schmidt, Gary D.
Almost Time

Christmas with Peppa (Peppa Pig)

Peppa's Christmas Wish (Peppa Pig)

Schroeder, Alan
Baby Flo: Florence Mills Lights Up the Stage

Schroeder, Lisa
Chasing Brooklyn

The Day Before

I Heart You, You Haunt Me

Schroth, Debi
Lulu and Her New Best Friend [illustrator]

Schulman, Janet
10 Valentine Friends

Schur, Maxine Rose
Brave with Beauty: A Story of Afghanistan

Schwartz, Alvin
In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories

Scieszka, Jon
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
Other Worlds (Guys Read Library of Great Reading #4) [editor] DNF
Scott, Brandon James
The Dog Who Wanted to Fly [illustrator]

Scott, Briana Corr
The Book of Selkie

Searle, Sarah Winifred
Sincerely, Harriet

Sedita, Francesco
The 12 Mehs of Christmas

Sehgal, Kabir
Festival of Colors

P Is for Poppadoms!

Sehgal, Surishtha
Festival of Colors

P Is for Poppadoms!

Seiferling, Dena
Alice & Gert: An Ant and Grasshopper Story [illustrator]

King Mouse [illustrator]

Selfors, Suzanne
Coffeehouse Angel

Semirdzhyan, Anait
The Arabic Quilt [illustrator]

Sendak, Maurice
A Hole is to Dig [illustrator]

Little Bear [illustrator]

A Very Special House [illustrator]

Sender, Ana
The Cottingley Fairies

Why Do We Cry? [illustrator]

Service, Robert W.
The Cremation of Sam McGee

Setterfield, Diane
The Thirteenth Tale

Seuss, Dr.
Hop on Pop

Horton Hears a Who!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The Lorax

McElligot's Pool

Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories

Shaffer, Grant
The Adventures of Honey & Leon [illustrator]

Shanks, Matt
Koala Bare [illustrator]

Shannon, David
David Gets in Trouble

Shapiro, Esmé
Alma and the Beast

Sharp, Neal
A Stray [illustrator]

Shaskan, Trisha Speed
The Itty-Bitty Witch

Shaw, Ali
The Girl with Glass Feet

Shaw, Calvin
Snowy Farm

Shaw, Stephanie
Schnitzel: A Cautionary Tale for Lazy Louts

Shea, Bob
Quit Calling Me a Monster! [illustrator]

Shealy, Dennis R.
I'm the Grinch (Illumination's The Grinch)

Who Likes Christmas? (Illumination's The Grinch)

Sheban, Chris
Job Wanted [illustrator]

Shenoi, Krishna Bala
Get Off That Camel! [illustrator]

Shepherd, Amanda
Rules of the Wild: An Unruly Book of Manners [illustrator]

Shepherd, Jean
A Christmas Story

Sherman, Joseph
How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to Read [illustrator]

Sherry, Kevin
I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean

Sheth, Kashmira
Feast of Peas

Shields, Gillian
When the World Was Waiting for You

Shin, Simone
Niko Draws a Feeling [illustrator]

Shorrock, Claire
Snow Globe Wishes [illustrator]

Shreve, Steve
The Adventures of Benny

Shusterman, Neal
Resurrection Bay

Unwind (Unwind Dystology #1)

Sidney, Margaret
Ballad of the Lost Hare

Siegel, Alexis
The Amber Anthem (5 Worlds #4)

The Cobalt Prince (5 Worlds #2)

The Red Maze (5 Worlds #3)

The Sand Warrior (5 Worlds #1)

Siegel, Mark
The Amber Anthem (5 Worlds #4)

The Cobalt Prince (5 Worlds #2)

How to Read a Story [illustrator]

How to Write a Story [illustrator]

The Red Maze (5 Worlds #3)

The Sand Warrior (5 Worlds #1)

Siemensma, Hanneke
Little Wise Wolf [illustrator]

Sierra, Judy
The Great Dictionary Caper

Siers, Sophie
Dear Mr. President

Sif, Birgitta
My Big, Dumb, Invisible Dragon [illustrator]

Snowboy and the Last Tree Standing [illustrator]

Sileo, Frank J.
Snitchy Witch

Silverstein, Shel
The Giving Tree

Sima, Jessie
Harriet Gets Carried Away

Simmons, Eric
Flying with Kindness

Simon, Francesca
Hack and Whack

Simon, Laurent
Red Yellow Blue [illustrator]

Simpson, Dana
Camping with Unicorns (Heavenly Nostrils #11)

I'm Not a Girl: A Transgender Story [illustrator]

Phoebe and Her Unicorn (Heavenly Nostrils #1)

Phoebe and Her Unicorn in The Magic Storm (Heavenly Nostrils #6)

Phoebe and Her Unicorn in Unicorn Theater (Heavenly Nostrils #8)

Razzle Dazzle Unicorn (Heavenly Nostrils #4)

Today I'll Be a Unicorn (Phoebe and Her Unicorn)

Unicorn Bowling (Heavenly Nostrils #9)

Unicorn Crossing (Heavenly Nostrils #5)

Unicorn vs. Goblins (Heavenly Nostrils #3)

Unicorn of Many Hats (Heavenly Nostrils #7)

Unicorn on a Roll (Heavenly Nostrils #2)

The Unicorn Whisperer (Heavenly Nostrils #10)

Virtual Unicorn Experience (Heavenly Nostrils #12)

Sims, Blanche L.
Valentine's Day: Stories and Poems [illustrator]

Sinclair, Bella
Lulu Goes to Witch School (Lulu the Witch #1) [illustrator]

Singer, Marilyn
Where Life's No Longer Wild DNF
Singh, Rina
Grandmother School

Holi Colors

Skomorokhova, Olga
If There Never Was a You [illustrator]

Slade, Arthur
Jolted: Newton Starker's Rules for Survival

Slegers, Yoeri
Crocodile's Crossing: A Search for Home

Sloan, Nicole
Mama Needs a Minute

Slonim, David
You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? [illustrator]

Small, David
This Book of Mine [illustrator]

Smallman, Steve
Kind Mr Bear

The Not-So-Brave Penguin

Smith, Craig
The Wonkey Donkey

Smith, Cynthia Leitich
Jingle Dancer

Smith, Heather
The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota's Garden

A Plan for Pops

Smith, Hilary T.
Wild Awake

Smith, Kim

Smith, L. J.
The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries #1)

Smith, Lane
I'm Just No Good at Rhyming: And Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown-Ups [illustrator]

Penguin Problems [illustrator]

Smith, Lori Joy
Noisy Poems for a Busy Day [illustrator]

Smith, Mary Elizabeth
Annie Imagines

Smith, Monique Gray
My Heart Fills with Happiness

When We Are Kind

You Hold Me Up

Smith, Sherwood
Stranger (The Change #1) DNF
Smouha, C K
Iced Out

Snellings, Lieve
Time for Margot to Go to Bed (Margot the Groundhog and Her North American Squirrel Family #3)

Snicket, Lemony
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure DNF
The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming

The Lump of Coal

Snyder, Laurel
Hungry Jim

Snyder, Maria V.
Storm Glass (Glass #1) DNF
Sollano, Gennel Marie
Whizzy Willow's First Day at School [illustrator]

Sollinger, Emily
Dora Celebrates Earth Day! (Dora the Explorer)

Solomon, Carl Sr.
Do Animals Believe In God?

Soloy, Lauren
When Emily Was Small

Soman, David
How to Two

Ladybug Girl (Ladybug Girl) [illustrator]

Ladybug Girl at the Beach (Ladybug Girl) [illustrator]

Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad (Ladybug Girl) [illustrator]

Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy (Ladybug Girl) [illustrator]

Ladybug Girl Plays (Ladybug Girl) [illustrator]

Three Bears in a Boat

Song, Mika
Ho'onani: Hula Warrior [illustrator]

Sookocheff, Carey
Buddy and Earl [illustrator]

I Do Not Like Stories [illustrator]

Dad By My Side

Sorlet, Isabel
Josephine: My First Josephine Baker (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Sorrentino, Fernando
Chastisement By the Lambs

A Lifestyle

Soundar, Chitra
Shubh Diwali!

You're Snug with Me

Souva, Jacob
Where Does a Cowgirl Go Potty? [illustrator]

Where Does a Pirate Go Potty? [illustrator]

Sparrow, Kerry Lyn
The Couch Potato

Spelman, Cornelia Maude
When I Feel Angry (The Way I Feel)

Spin Master PAW Productions Inc.
Count on the Easter Pups! (PAW Patrol)

Spires, Ashley
Edie's Ensembles

Fairy Science


The Most Magnificent Thing

Over-Scheduled Andrew

Penguin and the Cupcake

Small Saul

Spare Dog Parts [illustrator]

The Thing Lou Couldn't Do

Srinivasan, Divya
Cinnamon [illustrator]

Staake, Bob
Robots, Robots Everywhere [illustrator]

Stacey, Melodie
The Cloud Lasso [illustrator]

Stangl, Sonja
Gwen the Rescue Hen [illustrator]

Stansbie, Stephanie
I Love You All Year Through

Stanton, Beck
The Book That Never Ends (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #5)

Did You Take the B from My _ook? (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #2)

This Book Is Red (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #3)

This Is a Ball (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #1)

Wait! (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #4)

Stanton, Brandon
Little Humans

Stanton, Matt
The Book That Never Ends (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #5)

Did You Take the B from My _ook? (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #2)

This Book Is Red (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #3)

This Is a Ball (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #1)

Wait! (Books That Drive Kids CRAZY! #4)

Starling, Robert
Fergal and the Bad Temper

Staveley, Brian
The Log Goblin

Steck, Jim
Herbert Loves Sherbet [illustrator]

Stegmaier, Andrea
Ella May Does It Her Way [illustrator]

Stehlik, Tania Duprey
I Am Violet

Stein, Garth
The Art of Racing in the Rain

Stein, Peter
Goodnight '70s

Steinkraus, Kyla
Case of the Christmas Concert Catastrophe (Rourke's Mystery Chapter Books)

Stevenson, Noelle
Lumberjanes (Lumberjanes #1)

Stewart, Lizzy
The Way to Treasure Island

Stewart, Paul
Brian the Brave

Stewart, Sarah
This Book of Mine

Stickney, Elizabeth
Almost Time

Stiefel, Chana
My Name Is Wakawakaloch!

Stiefvater, Maggie
The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2)

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1)

Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1)

Stimson, James
Rapunzel and the Seven Dwarfs (Maynard Moose Tales) [illustrator]

Stinson, Kathy
The Dog Who Wanted to Fly

The Lady with the Books

Stone, Tiffany
Tallulah Plays the Tuba

Stott, Matthew
A Monstrous Tale: A Tale From Between (Tales From Between #1) DNF
Strathearn, Chris
Splat the Cat Sings Flat (Splat the Cat)

Stringer, Helen
Spellbinder (Spellbinder #1)

Stringer, Lauren
Snow [illustrator]

Stucky, Pam
The Universes Inside the Lighthouse (Balky Point Adventures #1)

Stutzman, Jonathan
Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug

Sugar Snap Studio
ABC What Can He Be? (ABC for Me)

Suggs, Margaret Anne
The naughty Naughty Chair [illustrator]

Sulit, William
Trini's Big Leap [illustrator]

Sullivan, Deirdre
Ming Goes to School

Ming and Her Poppy

Sullivan, Mary
My Name Is Wakawakaloch! [illustrator]

Sun, Boya
The Amber Anthem (5 Worlds #4) [illustrator]

The Cobalt Prince (5 Worlds #2) [illustrator]

The Red Maze (5 Worlds #3) [illustrator]

The Sand Warrior (5 Worlds #1) [illustrator]

Suneby, Elizabeth
No Room for a Pup!

Svendsen, Julian
Mickey Mouse Flies the Christmas Mail

Swain, Wilson
A Nutty Nutcracker Christmas [illustrator]

Sweeney, Linda Booth
When the Snow Falls

Sycamore, Hilary
The Broken Vow (Spill Zone #2) [colourist]

Spill Zone (Spill Zone #1) [colourist]

Syrotiuk, Liuba
What Wonders Do You See... When You Dream? [illustrator]

Szalay, Dave
The True Story of Zippy Chippy: The Little Horse that Couldn't [illustrator]

Szekeres, Cyndy
A Child's First Book of Poems [illustrator]

Tait, Pauline
The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical (The Fairy in the Kettle #3)

Tallec, Olivier
It's MY Tree

How Selfish! [illustrator]

Talsma, Nynke Mare
Plastic Soup [illustrator]

Tamaki, Jillian
They Say Blue

Mario and the Aliens [illustrator]

Tan, Meiyee
Tiny Travelers Puerto Rico (Treasure Quest) [illustrator]

Tana, Nicholas
The Kingdom of Glee

The Kitten, The Cat & The Apple

Monsters Are Afraid of Babies

Tanaka, Shelley
The Breadwinner: A Graphic Novel [adapter]

Tanaka, Yoko
The Magician's Elephant [illustrator]

Tanco, Miguel
Count on Me

Tankard, Jeremy
Grumpy Bird

Hungry Bird

Tara, Stephanie Lisa
Gwynne, Fair & Shining

I'll Follow the Moon

Tate, Don
Carter Reads the Newspaper [illustrator]

Tatulli, Mark
Zombies Need Love Too: And Still Another Liō Collection (Liō #5)

Tavares, Matt

Taylor, A. R.
Emileen and Jilly Bean

Taylor, Laini
Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #1)

Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2)

Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #3)

Taylor, Sean
Humperdink Our Elephant Friend

Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story

May We Have Enough to Share [photographers]

Telgemeier, Raina

Tenggren, Gustav
The Poky Little Puppy [illustrator]

The Saggy Baggy Elephant [illustrator]

Tawny Scrawny Lion [illustrator]

TenNapel, Doug

ter Horst, Marc
Hey There, Earth Dweller!: Dive Into This World We Call Earth DNF
Terrill, Cristin
All Our Yesterdays (All Our Yesterdays #1)

Terry, Michael
The Rug Bear [illustrator]

Teymorian, Anahita
There's Room for Everyone

Tharp, Jason
It's Okay to Be a Unicorn!

Thisdale, François
Bon Voyage, Mister Rodriguez [illustrator]

Thomas, Jan
Rhyming Dust Bunnies

Thompkins-Bigelow, Jamilah
Mommy's Khimar

Thompson, Carol
Deep Breaths

When Daddy's Truck Picks Me Up [illustrator]

Thompson, Chad
There's a Ghost in My Root Beer! [illustrator]

Thompson, Sonya
Rubi's Best Friend

Thompson, Tade
The Murders of Molly Southbourne DNF
Thomson, Sarah L.

Thong, Roseanne
One Is a Drummer

Red Is a Dragon

Thornburgh, Blair

Tilley, Sophie
Sparkly Shoes and Picnic Parties (Amelie & Nanette #1)

Timmerman, Caitlin
The Hunter and the Bear

Super Scientists: 40 inspiring icons [illustrator]

Tolfa, Jill
The Gift of Time [illustrator]

Tomes, Margot
Everything Under a Mushroom [illustrator]

Toussaint, Kid
The Heart of the Forest (Animal Jack #1)

Tracy, Kristina
Unstoppable Me!

Tran, Basia
My Footprints [illustrator]

Tréfouël, Séverine
Wartime Ghetto (Irena #1) DNF
Tregonning, Mel
Small Things

Trembling, Paul
Eternity Is 20 Seconds Long

Trimmer, Christian
Teddy's Favorite Toy

Tripartite Forum Culture & Heritage Education Committee
Juji'jk: Mi'kmaw Insects

Troiano, Joe
A Family to Be Thankful For (Spookley the Square Pumpkin)

Troïanowski, Johan
The Runaway Princess DNF
Tromeur, Julien
Froggy Dearest [illustrator]

Trondheim, Lewis

Troughton, Guy
Whose Egg? [illustrator]

Trujillo, Josh
Lost Beast, Found Friend

Tseng, Kevin
One Snowy Morning

Tsutsumi, Dice
The Dam Keeper (Dam Keeper #1)

World Without Darkness (Dam Keeper #2)

Tucker, Krista
Fancy Nancy: My Fanciest Things (Fancy Nancy)

Fancy Nancy: Nancy's Ghostly Halloween (Fancy Nancy)

Tucker, Zoë
Ada Lovelace and the Number-Crunching Machine

Greta and the Giants

Turnbull, Victoria

Turu, Denise
Babbit & Joan, a Rabbit and a Phone

Tusa, Tricia
Is That You, Eleanor Sue?

Twiss, Jill
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo

Ulmer, Michael
M Is for Maple: A Canadian Alphabet

Underwood, Deborah
The Christmas Quiet Book (The Quiet Book)

Every Little Letter

Good Night, Baddies

Granny Gomez & Jigsaw

Interstellar Cinderella

The Loud Book! (The Quiet Book)

Part-time Princess

Pirate Mom

The Quiet Book (The Quiet Book)

Reading Beauty

Valentine, Madeline
Teddy's Favorite Toy [illustrator]

Valentine, Rachel
Marmaduke the Very Different Dragon

Valério, Geraldo
The Egg

Văn, Mượn Thị
Clever Little Witch

If You Were Night

One Is a Lot (Except When It's Not)

Van Allsburg, Chris
The Chronicles of Harris Burdick [editor]


The Misadventures of Sweetie Pie

Van Camp, Richard
A Blanket of Butterflies (The Debwe Series #4)

Kiss By Kiss/Ocêtôwina: A Counting Book For Families

Little You

A Man Called Raven

May We Have Enough to Share

We Sang You Home

van den Berg, Esther
Good Night, Sleep Tight

van der Hammen, Gijs
Little Wise Wolf

Van Deuren, Rosemary

Van Doninck, Sebastiaan
It Started with a Big Bang: The Origin of Earth, You and Everything Else [illustrator]

Van Dusen, Chris
The Exquisite Corpse Adventure [illustrator] DNF
Eugenia Lincoln and the Unexpected Package (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #4) [illustrator]

Francine Poulet Meets the Ghost Raccoon (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #2) [illustrator]

Leroy Ninker Saddles Up (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #1) [illustrator]

Mercy Watson Fights Crime (Mercy Watson #3) [illustrator]

Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride (Mercy Watson #2) [illustrator]

Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise (Mercy Watson #4) [illustrator]

Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes (Mercy Watson #6) [illustrator]

Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig (Mercy Watson #5) [illustrator]

Mercy Watson to the Rescue (Mercy Watson #1) [illustrator]

Stella Endicott and the Anything-Is-Possible Poem (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #5) [illustrator]

Where Are You Going, Baby Lincoln? (Tales from Deckawoo Drive #3) [illustrator]

Van Genechten, Guido

Little White Fish Deep Beneath the Sea

Sometimes Daddies Are...

Van Hest, Pimm
Maybe Dying Is Like Becoming a Butterfly

Van Lindenhuizen, Eline
Sir Tim Has a Secret [illustrator]

Sir Tim Is a Little Jealous [illustrator]

Van Slyke, Rebecca
Lana Lynn Howls at the Moon

Van Wright, Cornelius
Baby Flo: Florence Mills Lights Up the Stage [illustrator]

Jingle Dancer [illustrator]

Vande Griek, Susan
Hawks Kettle, Puffins Wheel: And Other Poems of Birds in Flight

Vander Heyden, Linda
A Horse Named Jack

VanSickle, Vikki
Teddy Bear of the Year

Varon, Sara
Hold Hands

Vaughn, Carrie
That Game We Played During the War

Vaz, Katie
The Escape Manual for Introverts

Veillé, Éric
The Bureau of Misplaced Dads

Véissid, Jacqueline
Ruby's Sword

Velasquez, Eric
The Rain Stomper [illustrator]

Venkatraman, Padma
A Time to Dance

Verday, Jessica
The Hollow (The Hollow #1)

Verde, Susan
I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness

Unstoppable Me

The Water Princess

Verdi, Jessica
I'm Not a Girl: A Transgender Story

Vernon, Ursula
Harriet the Invincible (Hamster Princess #1)

Vess, Charles
Seven Wild Sisters: A Modern Fairy Tale (Newford #12) [illustrator]

Vickers, Roy Henry
Peace Dancer

Villeneuve, Anne
Dear Mr. President [illustrator]

Me, Toma and the Concrete Garden [illustrator]

Viswanath, Shobha
A Tangle of Brungles

Vivat, Booki
Frazzled: Everyday Disasters and Impending Doom (Frazzled #1)

Voss, Jonathan D.
Brave Enough for Two (Hoot & Olive)

Whoo-Ku Haiku: A Great Horned Owl Story [illustrator]

Imagine That (Hoot & Olive)

Vuković, Elizabet
An Ordinary Day [illustrator]

Wada, Rachel
The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota's Garden [illustrator]

Wade, Samantha
A Perfect Tree [illustrator]

Wade, Stef
The Very Last Leaf

Wagstaffe, Johanna
Little Cloud: The Science of a Hurricane

Waites, Joan
A Colorful Tail: Finding Monet at Giverny

Waldron, Alex
What's Down There?

Walker, Anna
Lottie & Walter

Walker, Jessica
Baby Feminists Too [illustrator]

Walker, Rysa
Timebound (The Chronos Files #1) DNF
Walker, Sally M.
Druscilla's Halloween

Walker, Suzanne

Walkley, Lizzie
Good News! God Made Me! [illustrator]

Good News! It's Christmas! [illustrator]

Good News! It's Easter! [illustrator]

Wall, Mike
A Boy, A Bear, A Balloon [illustrator]

Wallace, Adam
The Holiday Heroes Save Christmas

How to Catch a Dinosaur

How to Catch a Dragon

How to Catch the Easter Bunny

Only You Can Save Christmas!

Wallace, Paula S.
Meet Me at the Farmers Market [illustrator]

Walt Disney Studio
Mickey Mouse Flies the Christmas Mail [illustrator]

Walter, Derek
The True Adventures of Esther the Wonder Pig

Walters, Eric
Bath Time!

Bedtime 123

Surfer Dog

Walz, Richard
Eat My Dust!: Henry Ford's First Race [illustrator]

Wang, Jen
The Prince and the Dressmaker

Wang, Michael
Liam, the Brave

A Stray

Wang, Zong-Zhou
D is for Dancing Dragon: A China Alphabet (Discover the World) [illustrator]

Ward, Grace
Rupert's Snowman [illustrator]

Ward, Nick
Deck the Walls [illustrator]

Warden, Phillipa
Rupert's Snowman

Warnes, Tim
I'm Going to Give You a Polar Bear Hug [illustrator]

Waters, Charles
Can I Touch Your Hair?: Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship

Watkins, Laura
Oh No, Bobo! [illustrator]

Watkins, Rowboat
Big Bunny

Mabel: A Mermaid Fable

Most Marshmallows

Pete With No Pants

Watt, Mélanie
Scaredy Squirrel (Scaredy Squirrel #1)

Watters, Shannon
Lumberjanes (Lumberjanes #1)

Watts, Alan
The Fish Who Found the Sea

Weaver, Rachel Spier
An Unexpected Hero: A Bible Story About Rahab (Called and Courageous Girls)

Webb, Holly
The Snow Bear (Wintry Tales #1) DNF
Webster, Christy
Cinderella Rex (Once Before Time)

Mickey's Christmas Carol

Pterapunzel (Once Before Time)

Sleeping Bronty (Once Before Time)

Weidenbenner, Michelle
Éclair Goes to Stella's (Éclair #1)

Weir, Andy
Cheshire Crossing

The Egg

Weisgard, Leonard
Sir Kevin of Devon [illustrator]

Wells, Martha
All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1)

Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries #2)

Exit Strategy (The Murderbot Diaries #4)

The Future of Work: Compulsory (The Murderbot Diaries #0.5)

Rogue Protocol (The Murderbot Diaries #3)

Wells, Rosemary
Edward Almost Goes Swimming (Edward Almost Ready)

Max's Christmas (Max and Ruby)

McDuff Moves In (McDuff)

Welsh, Clare Helen
How Selfish!

Wen, Lenny
Don't Drink the Pink [illustrator]

Wenxuan, Cao

Wenzel, Brendan
Hello Hello

Life [illustrator]

A Stone Sat Still

They All Saw a Cat

West, Kasie
Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1) DNF
Westerfeld, Scott
The Broken Vow (Spill Zone #2)

Spill Zone (Spill Zone #1)

Stupid Perfect World

Westgate, Vanessa
To Catch an Elephant

Weston, Robert Paul
Natsumi's Song of Summer

Weyant, Christopher
My Pillow Keeps Moving! [illustrator]

Weyn, Suzanne

Wheeler, Lisa
The Christmas Boot

People Share with People

Whelan, Gloria
Homeless Bird

Whipple, Rick
JoJo and the Big Mess (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

JoJo and Daddy Bake a Cake (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

JoJo and the Magic Trick (Fancy Nancy) [illustrator]

White, Dianne
Sometimes a Wall

White, Lee
Druscilla's Halloween [illustrator]

Kate, Who Tamed the Wind [illustrator]

Wickstrom, Sylvie
Little Witch Goes to School (Little Witch #3) [illustrator]

Wielockx, Ruth
It's Easter! (Luke and Lottie)

Wiesner, David
Fish Girl

Wilde, Oscar
The Happy Prince and Other Tales

Willard, Christopher
Breathing Makes It Better

Williams, Katie

Williams, Lily
If Sharks Disappeared

Willmore, Alex
The New LiBEARian [illustrator]

Wilson, Gillian
Killer Style: How Fashion Has Injured, Maimed, and Murdered Through History [illustrator]

Wilson, Janet
Our Future: How Kids Are Taking Action

Wilson, Land
The Girl Who Spoke to the Moon

Wilson, N.D.
100 Cupboards (100 Cupboards #1)

Wilson, Phil
Mickey's Christmas Carol [illustrator]

Wilson, Rob Moss
The Blank Page [illustrator]

Wimmer, Sonja
The Day Saida Arrived [illustrator]

Wing, Natasha
The Night Before Mother's Day

The Night Before the Night Before Christmas

Winstanley, Nicola
Mel & Mo's Marvelous Balancing Act

Winter, Jonah
The Sad Little Fact

Winters, Cat
In the Shadow of Blackbirds

Wisniewski, Gaya
My Bison

Wistow, David
Meet the Group of Seven

Wohl, Lauren L.
A Teeny Tiny Halloween

Wolfe Pereira, Steven
Tiny Travelers China (Treasure Quest)

Tiny Travelers Mexico (Treasure Quest)

Tiny Travelers Puerto Rico (Treasure Quest)

Wolff, Ferida
Is a Worry Worrying You?

Won, Annie
Long Ago, On a Silent Night [illustrator]

Woo, Alan
David Jumps In

Maggie's Chopsticks

Woo, Samantha
Krit Dreams of Dragon Fruit [illustrator]

Wood, Audrey
The Full Moon at the Napping House

Wood, Don
The Full Moon at the Napping House [illustrator]

Wood, Ryan
The Worst Twelve Days of Christmas [illustrator]

Woodson, Jacqueline
Brown Girl Dreaming

The Day You Begin

Woolf, Julia
Duck & Penguin Are NOT Friends

Woollvin, Bethan
Bo the Brave

The Button Book [illustrator]

Wools, Katie
Sun & Moon Take Turns [illustrator]

words & pictures
Rainbow Colors

Wragg, Nate
At the Old Haunted House [illustrator]

Wray, Brian
Max's Box

Wright, Gordy
Where Life's No Longer Wild [illustrator] DNF
Wright, Maureen
Anna and the Tooth Fairy

Share, Big Bear, Share!

Wright, Shannon
My Mommy Medicine [illustrator]

Wulfekotte, Dana
One Snowy Morning [illustrator]

The Remember Balloons [illustrator]

Wume, Cindy
The Best Sound in the World

Wummer, Amy
The Night Before Mother's Day [illustrator]

Xist Publishing
The 12 Days of Christmas

Xu, Lis
When Molly Drew Dogs [illustrator]

Xu, Nicole
All of a Sudden and Forever [illustrator]

Xu, Ru
EndGames (NewsPrints #2)

NewsPrints (NewsPrints #1)

Xu, Wendy
Mooncakes [illustrator]

Yaccarino, Dan
Doug Unplugged

Five Little Pumpkins [illustrator]

Rainy Day: A Little Moral Story About Worry (Dan Yaccarino's Happyland)

Yaghoobi, Golsa
Brave with Beauty: A Story of Afghanistan [illustrator]

Yamada, Kobi
What Do You Do With an Idea? (What Do You Do With...)

Yamamoto, Zafouko
Ada: My First Ada Lovelace (My First Little People, BIG DREAMS) [illustrator]

Yan, Xindi
The Itty-Bitty Witch [illustrator]

Yang, James
Stop! Bot!

Yang, Kao Kalia
A Map Into the World

The Shared Room

Yaşa, Fırat
Striped Pajamas DNF
Yee, Josie
Frosty the Snowman [illustrator]

Yim, Natasha
Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas

Yockteng, Rafael
Walk with Me [illustrator]

Yolen, Jane
Merbaby's Lullaby

Yooju, Cheon
In Blossom

Yoon, Salina
Kiki & Jax: The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship

Penguin's Christmas Wish (Penguin)

Yoran, Elad
What Does It Mean to Be American?

Yoshikawa, Sachiko
Late for School! [illustrator]

Yoshitake, Shinsuke
The Boring Book

Young, Ed
Mighty Moby [illustrator]

Young, Mary O'Keefe
A Family to Be Thankful For (Spookley the Square Pumpkin) [illustrator]

Merry Christmas, Curious George (Curious George New Adventures) [illustrator]

Young, Timothy

Yousafzai, Malala
Malala's Magic Pencil

Yum, Hyewon
Clever Little Witch [illustrator]

Yuwei, Wang
Mr. Cat and the Little Girl

Zabus, Vincent
The Writers' Secret (The World According to François #1)

Zachariah, Abdul-Razak
The Night Is Yours

Zaehringer, Ben
Sorry I Ruined Your Childhood

Zanotti, Carolina
Mario and the Aliens

Zappert, Catrìona
Na Gàidheil: The Gaels - An Illustrated Introduction to Scottish Gaelic for Children

Zeltser, David
The Night Library

Ninja Baby

Zentic, Tamara
Coding Capers: Luci and the Missing Robot

Zenz, Aaron
Monsters Go Night-Night

The Runaway Santa: A Christmas Adventure Story [illustrator]

Zia, Farhana
Lali's Feather

Zivoin, Jennifer
Fantastic You [illustrator]

Zolotow, Charlotte
My Grandson Lew

The Poodle Who Barked at the Wind

Zong, Grace
Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas [illustrator]

Zuill, Andrea
Cat Dog Dog [illustrator]

Zullo, Germano
Jumping Jack

Zunon, Elizabeth
I Am Farmer [illustrator]

Zusak, Markus
The Book Thief

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