Zombies Need Love Too: And Still Another Liō Collection (Liō #5)
by Mark Tatulli
Date: 2012
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing LLC
Reading level: A
Book type: comic collection
Pages: 128
Format: e-book
Source: library
Lio is a successful comic strip syndicated by Universal Uclick in major markets throughout the United States. The main character, Lio, is a small boy with a penchant for befriending squids, monsters, and aliens. Lio is a curious scientist, a comic-book fan, defender of the defenseless and creator of an army of zombie bunnies. All without saying a word. Zombies Need Love Too is Lio's fifth book with AMP.
(synopsis from Goodreads)
I'd never even heard of Liō before I picked up this collection. I'm not sure I've been missing much.
Liō is a kid obsessed with the macabre. While his obsession with vampire fangs and zombies is kind of amusing, there are a few comics in this book that are in shockingly poor taste. I don't find anything funny about kids making fun of overweight people by calling them pigs (really?), pointing fake guns at bank tellers (white privilege, much?), building gadgets to grope women at the bus stop (it's the 21st century!), or buying leg-hold traps and then using them on humans; if Liō were a real child, he'd be in big trouble (and probably in need of a psych evaluation).
That said, there are a few comics in here that I did find pretty funny. Unfortunately, there were more that I didn't get, thought were stupid, or made me uncomfortable... so I don't think I'll be seeking out any more of Liō's adventures.
Quotable moment:
Writing & Editing: 3/5
Illustration: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Overall Rating: 3.2 out of 5 ladybugs

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