Sophie Johnson, Unicorn Expert
by Morag Hood
illustrated by Ella Okstad
Date: 2018
Publisher: Aladdin
Reading level: C
Book type: picture book
Pages: 32
Format: e-book
Source: library
Meet the master of magical creatures: Sophie Johnson! She’s an expert on unicorns…or so she thinks!
Sophie is a unicorn expert. She dresses up her toys, stuffed animals, and even her baby brother as unicorns! But living with enchanted animals can be tricky business. And Sophie is so caught up in teaching others that she fails to notice the magic right under her nose.
This funny and fresh picture book tells the story of a unicorn hiding in plain sight and a little girl who is totally oblivious to his presence!
(synopsis from Goodreads)
Sophie Johnson thinks she's a unicorn expert. After all, she lives with lots of unicorns (which are really just her baby sibling, stuffed animals, and pets--notably, however, not the cat). One day, however, a real unicorn shows up with its rainbow lunchbox, presumably to spend the day with a unicorn expert. But does Sophie notice? No! She's too busy teaching her other "unicorns" everything they need to know.
This is really two stories in one. The first is Sophie's narrative. But the more entertaining story is what's going on behind the scenes with the unicorn. It sits in on the unicorn lessons, engages in bath time, and looks suitably terrified when Sophie teaches her unicorns about their enemies. But Sophie never realizes that the very creature she's so obsessed with has been right under her nose all day!
The illustrations are cute and colourful. The unicorn (the real one) is particularly amusing, with its perpetual stunned expression and rainbow dandruff.
Kids will probably get a chuckle out of seeing Sophie's obliviousness when they themselves can clearly see the unicorn hiding in plain sight. As an adult, I kind of enjoyed this one, too; it's a cute take on a little know-it-all who's so busy being an expert that she doesn't have time to appreciate the magic that's come to visit.
Quotable moment:
Premise: 4/5
Meter: n/a
Writing: 4/5
Illustrations: 3/5
Originality: 4/5
Enjoyment: 3/5
Overall: 3.5 out of 5

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