Thanksgiving Rules
by Laurie Friedman
illustrated by Teresa Murfin
Date: 2009
Publisher: Carolrhoda Books
Reading level: C
Book type: picture book
Pages: 32
Format: e-book
Source: library
Percy Isaac Gifford's Official Thanksgiving Decree: I officially command you to eat EVERYTHING you see! Percy knows just what to do to get the most out of this delicious holiday. And so will you if you follow his ten simple rules. From "the early bird gets the turkey" to "life is sweeter when you eat sweets," his rules will help you eat your way through the big meal. But is there more to Thanksgiving than stuffed turkey and sweet potatoes with marshmallows? See how Percy discovers the true recipe for a perfect Thanksgiving holiday.
(synopsis from Goodreads)
This book is actually a little bit disgusting. As Canadian Thanksgiving (or, as we Canadians call it, Thanksgiving) is coming up, I thought I'd read this to get in the mood. Unfortunately, it's nothing but a celebration of pure gluttony with just a glancing mention of thankfulness and appreciation. All the focus is on stuffing one's face with as much food as possible, as if it's some sort of grotesque eating contest. There doesn't even seem to be that much about enjoying the food; it's just how much you can shovel in.
The back of the book has snippets from Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly that talk about gluttony and overindulgence like they're positive things. I'm sorry, but I don't agree... especially when the holiday in question is supposed to be about gratitude and recognition of what you're lucky enough to have. The book doesn't even try to tone down the gluttony aspect; even the kid's name--Percy Isaac Gifford--is used to reinforce the greed (his initials are stitched on his sweater). By the end of the evening, everybody's stuffed themselves so full that Percy can't even give them hugs!
Is this what American Thanksgiving has become? Stuffing oneself silly just for the sake of it? Where's the enjoyment? Where's the gratitude? It's almost obscene, especially when you think about all the people in the world who don't have enough to eat. Those people don't seem to cross Percy's mind at all; he's too focused on how to fill up his plate so he can shove more and more food down his gullet.
The illustrations are somewhat cute, with a mixed-media style that reminds me a bit of Jacqueline Hudon's work. But I really can't bring myself to like the pictures that much, since they depict such a spoiled, gluttonous child and his equally overindulgent family.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about. It may be an accurate depiction of an American Thanksgiving, but it's kind of gross. I wanted to see more... you know... giving thanks. Instead, we have to watch a greedy kid shove food into his face and then admonish people who don't do the same.
Premise: 2/5
Meter: 3/5
Writing: 3/5
Illustrations: 3/5
Originality: 2/5
Enjoyment: 1/5
Overall: 2.14 out of 5

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