Every Saturday, you share (recommend) a book, preferably one that you haven't reviewed yet. It's just a way to get other books out into the blogging world. This is NOT a review.
Today I'm going to recommend Half Magic by Edward Eager.
Edward Eager has been delighting young readers for more than 40 years with stories that mix magic and reality. Half Magic, the most popular of his tales about four children who encounter magical coins, time-travel herb gardens, and other unlikely devices, is a warm, funny, original adventure. The title refers to a coin that the children find. Through a comical series of coincidences, they discover that the coin is magic. Well, it's not totally magic--it's only (you guessed it) half magic. That means there's a certain logic to the wishes one must make to generate a desired outcome. Imagine the results emerging from inaccurate efforts: half invisible, half rescued, half everything! (Product description from Amazon.com.)

I remember these books being quaint (and a little bit dated; feminists probably wouldn't like them, but they were originally written in the 1950s). But the children were curious and playful and were great characters with which to share an afternoon or two. The books are intended for younger children (Amazon lists the target ages as 9-12, which is probably about right), but I still found these books (especially Half Magic) to be very enjoyable.
Oh I like this idea. I have so many to share!