Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday's Question of the Day (8)

Monday's Question of the Day is hosted by Eleni at /-LA FEMME READERS-/

In school, most of the time we read classics, which one did you enjoy the most and which one did you hate?

My Answer:
I didn't really like most of the stuff we had to read in school... especially in high school. I remember hating The Sun Also Rises and Great Expectations. There were a couple of books I read in elementary school that I really liked: Cue for Treason and Word to Caesar by Geoffrey Trease.

But as for the book I enjoyed the most and the book I hated the most, both were introduced in my first-year university English literature course. We had to read Jane Eyre (which I loved) and Joseph Andrews (which I loathed -- and still loathe -- with a passion). Overall, I hated that course... but I'm glad that it introduced me to Jane Eyre. Otherwise, I might never have read one of my all-time favourite classics.


  1. How interesting! I read lots of classic literature at Uni but at school we only had to read Shakespeare and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. That was the book that made me a reader! I haven't read Jane Eyre but I do love those types of novels.

  2. I'd like to say I hated most of the books I read in school but all I can remember is really enjoying a few. I loved Far from the Madding Crowd, and absolutely adored Of Mice and Men. I was also introduced to Shapespeare by reading A Merchant of Venice (and got my first 'A' grade of the year (I was a B-C student) from my essay "Is Shylock a victim or a villain?"). :)

  3. Good question! I remember loving To Kill a Mockingbird.
    I SO need to re-read that some time.

  4. Nice choices, I actually haven't read any Joseph Andrew books, so I guess thank God rite? lol

  5. Hmm, that's a tough question. I try and block out school memories. =) I remember reading To Kill a Mockingbird in high school and LOVING it! I never liked Romeo and Juliet!

    I have an award for you at my blog:

  6. Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I'm just not a classics person. (Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte are my only exceptions, and those I didn't read until after I graduated College). It didn't help that my teachers were always saying, "Everyone will make you read _________ so I'm going to have you read ____________."
    So I never read any of the major, cannon-worthy classics. Maybe I should go back and give them a try...

  7. In school there wasn't much I liked to read that they where giving me as an assignment. They were always soooo boring and I just couldn't get into any of them. But I do have to say when we started reading greek items I really enjoyed them along with Midsummer Nights Dream. I could take my little bit of creativity and imagine what was ment in what was said. That is what I enjoyed, trying to interpret what was happening and why.
