Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday Thunks (11)

1. If you won a brand new house in a Dream House Giveaway would you move into it, sell it to pay the taxes and make a profit, rent it out or give it to a family member/friend who might need it?

I don't think there'd be any taxes on it here (Canadians don't have taxes on lottery winnings). Well, there'd be property taxes, of course. So... I think I might live in it for a year (or as long as I could afford the property tax), and then sell it and use the money to build my dream home (which would probably be a lot smaller and a lot more practical).

2. Are you good at billards?

I might be. I've never really tried playing.

3. Does anyone on the planet really want to see Levi Johnston naked in Playgirl (other than when Bristol Palin did)?

I'm sure some people are attracted to attention whores and want to see them naked. I'm not one of them, though.

4. Is your phone ringing right now?

No, but my ears are. Darn tinnitus.

5. Do you think man has eaten or tried to eat every type of animal on the face of the earth at one point or another? If not, what don't you think man has tried?

I doubt man has tried everything. We're discovering new species every day. That said, probably the only animals man hasn't tried are the ones he hasn't found yet.

6. The new movie Avatar has been showing sneak peeks and been hyped to the max. Will you see it?

Is that about little icons that people use on Internet forums? Seriously... if it's been hyped that much, why do I not even know what you're talking about?

7. If a slightly bigger fish eats a small fish, then a bigger fish immediately eats that one, then an even bigger fish immediately eats that fish and then finally a huge fish eats the one that just ate that fish and it gets caught by you... how many meals will you have from that one fish?

Depends on how big the first fish was. (This reminds me of turducken. How many meals do you get from one of those?)

8. If you had an appointment with the doctor and all the plants in the office were dead, would you still see the doctor?

I thought this read, "If you had an appointment in which the doctor and all the plants in the office were dead, would you still see the doctor?" In that case, no. But if just the plants are dead, I wouldn't care. That's more of a reflection on the office manager's gardening skills, isn't it?

9. Have you ever seen the number 666 in a dream?

I don't think so. It wouldn't mean anything to me, anyway.

10. "At 20 years of age the will reigns, at 30 the wit, at 40 the judgment."~ Benjamin Franklin
So what happens at 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100?

At 50, the pocketbook reigns...
at 60, the wanderlust...
at 70, the pharmaceuticals...
at 80, the guilt trips...
at 90, the bladder...
at 100, the DNR.

11. Would you want your phone number to be (area code) 123-4567?

No. Because people would always be dialing your number just to see if it was real!

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on what mankind has eaten. Some animals are poisonous! Great responses...
