Jessica (BookLover) from A BookLover's Diary at tagged me for this meme.
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Share your ABCs
3. Tag three people at the end by linking to their blogs
4. Let the three tagged people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
5. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag
Here goes. . .
Available or single? Uh... both? Isn't that the same thing?
Best Friend? My mom.
Cake or Pie? Cake.
Drink of choice? Water.
Essential item for every day use? The toilet.
Favorite color? Purple.
Google? Oh, yeah!
Hometown? I grew up in semi-rural Ontario. But I'm a Pacific Northwest girl at heart.
Indulgences? Books. Of course.
January or February? Eh... they're both slushy.
Kids and their names? I don't have any kids.
Life is incomplete without…? Passion.
Marriage date? I'm not prescient!
Number of siblings? Just one.
Oranges or apples? Oranges.
Phobias and fears? Trypophobia. *shudder*
Quote for the day? "Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!"
Reason to smile? My computer is still running. (Stop making that grinding noise, darn it!).
Season? Spring.
Tag 3 people:
Ashley at Ashley's Bookshelf
Erica at The Book Cellar
Austenfan at Reality Bites. . . Fiction Does It Better!
... and anyone else who would like to play!
Unknown fact about me? I used to crash movie sets. It's not as difficult as it sounds... if you know what to look for. Never really saw anyone famous, though...
Vegetable you hate? Onions.
Worst habit? Picking my nose (hey, if we're being honest here...).
X-rays you’ve had? Chest and teeth.
Your fave food? Carbs.
Zodiac sign? Gemini
Very cool comments. I love the toilet. LOL! I never thought of that one, it is an essential for everyday use.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to thank you for stopping by the blog and following me. I am now following you.
Look forward to reading your blogs and comments!
Toilet? hehehe Funny answer.
ReplyDeleteI'm dying to visit the Pacific NW :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure but I think available means you're looking for a relationship and single... well, that you're happily single. :p Or maybe not. Haha.
ReplyDeleteThis is fun! Thanks for the tag! :)