It's unfortunate that the books that are so often targeted for bans are the ones about important subjects such as racism, sexism, sexuality, rape, violence, and tolerance. Scroggins claims that "children at the middle school are being introduced to concepts such as homosexuality, oral sex, anal sex and specific instructions on how to use a condom and have sex". He's incredibly naive if he thinks that eighth-grade kids (13- and 14-year olds) are just being introduced to these concepts. My question to him would be, "When is it appropriate to teach kids about these things?" After they've bullied other kids for years because of their (or their parents') sexuality? After they've been pressured into a situation they know little about? After they've gotten (or gotten someone) pregnant?

We need more books about tough subjects, we need kids to read them, and we need to get kids talking about them. Understanding leads to tolerance and tolerance leads to a better world for all of us. Schools need to be encouraging students to read books about difficult issues, especially since so much bigotry and intolerance are learned at home. Why should we be reinforcing those things by trying to ban certain books in the schools?
Teaching kids about drugs, sex, and where babies come from isn't going to make them run out and smoke a joint, have sex, and get knocked up. On the other hand, if you keep them ignorant for too long, they might just want to see what all the fuss is about. The same goes for the books in question; I'm now far more curious about them than I've ever been before... and I'm sure I'm not the only one. By trying to ban these books, Dr. Scroggins is actually encouraging more teenagers to read them. I don't think that's the effect he was going for!
Shame on Dr. Scroggins. Books should not be censored; leave it up to the teens' parents to decide what books are appropriate for them to read.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with you, Ladybug, that Dr. Scroggins is creating more attention for these books that he is trying to quash.
I couldn't agree more. Just because the school refuses to educate their students, doesn't mean the students aren't going to educate themselves - probably with less desirable results. I love the way the book community has banded together to fight this ignorance. You hit the nail on the head - I don't think that was the effect Scroggins was going for!
ReplyDeleteHi La Coccinelle- Am I ever glad I read your post, because I hadn't yet read the Scroggins article till now. I've read Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and the book is one of the most incredible YA books I've ever read. While it is about the tough subject of "date rape", it does not condone it! It deals with the subject intelligently and in a very emotionally relevant way for not only teens, but I feel any adult would find it amazing as well. It's about a young woman finding her voice. And not all the teachers are "losers"! Melinda's Art Teacher plays a pivotal role in her life and is central to major parts of the book. Maybe Scroggins can not relate to the book but that is definitely NOT a reason to ban it. In our library there are so many teens (of both sexes but especially girls) that read the book and get emotional over it because it has touched them so deeply. It would be a shame to forbid teens from reading something they connect with so strongly. If Scroggins or any other parent, or person has a vendetta against a book, I think they should exercise that right to opt-out for their own kids, and instead of trying to force others to share his opinions,let other parents decide what's right for their own children as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting on my Before I Fall review! Totally agree, that one's great for character development (and you can really see the changes happening each day!)
ReplyDeleteAlso, yep, definitely agree - banning books just gets them more attention, so it's counter-productive on the banner's part!
Teaching kids about drugs, sex, and where babies come from isn't going to make them run out and smoke a joint, have sex, and get knocked up. On the other hand, if you keep them ignorant for too long, they must just want to see what all the fuss is about.
ReplyDeleteSO true. Great points, and thanks for taking the time to speak out!
It made me furious that this Scroggins idiot is more upset about teenagers reading about uncomfortable issues than about them experiencing them first-hand. Speak has been a comfort to kids who have been in Melinda's situation - and those who haven't - and encouraged them that they don't have to suffer alone, that they are not guilty and that it's not their fault. It would be a disgrace to take away such a valuable resource from the people who need it most. It's not just a story. For so many, it's a lifeline.