Musing Mondays is hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading.
Do you review books? If so, for who?
If not, have you ever thought about doing so? Why, or why not?
Shouldn't that second sentence ask, "If so, for whom?" Sorry... grammarian in the house.
Of course I review books! Not professionally, though. I've never been asked to do anything like that (and I'm afraid I wouldn't have the time to do it, anyway).
I started this blog last June, but I'd already been posting reviews on for a while before that. And there was a period years ago where I kept track of every book I read in a little notebook, complete with a star rating and my thoughts on the story. That's pretty old-school, I guess, but it did the job. I like having a record of what I thought about all those different books; it helps me remember which ones I've read, too.
This is a great question. I admire your record keeping- i'm not so good at doing so. :p